Got Looney???
$575.00??? WOW.
They are proud of that repackaged tuner. Most custom tuned SCT go for around $400.00 to $450.00 that I have seen.
I run 6-gun with speed loader, exact same exhaust, and Airraid intake. Same truck, also. No problems.rsjohnsn said:Ok, I spoke with Joel at ATS and he doesn't recommend the SCT tuner for me. He said that the tuner was bad for blowing head gaskets and killing the tranny at anything over 70hp. What gives? Did I call the wrong people? How is it that eveyone else is running these and no one is having any problems? Out of everything I have found, I am leaning toward the Banks Six Gun. Help me out on this one! I don't want to buy something and tear up my truck or regret my purchase.
Are you hand figureing the mileage or using the console computer display? 4 mpg increase is PDG for a tuner.rsjohnsn said:Thanks for all the info guys, I decided to go with the Banks Six Gun and the Airaid intake. I like everything except the process that is involved to teach the tranny everytime you select a different higher level. Is this always necessary? Anyway, I love the power and the extra fuel mileage is well worth it. I did however put the MBRP muffler back on because the sound became to raspy for me when I haul the trailer. On a trip to Fort Wayne Ind I got a best of 16.1 MPG loaded and before I got in the 12's with the same load. Empty I got 17.4 and normally I was in the 13's. I spent close to $1000 on everything so it will take me how many miles to recoup my money? Somebody smarter will have to figure this but I gained about 4mpg and I pay 2.77 a gallon. If I figured this correctly I came up with either 90 or 900 miles.