Problem with "water in fuel" light


SDD Junior Member
Mar 13, 2006
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First off, I'm a noob here and I'm also a noob to diesels. I bought a 2001 F-250 CC Lariat automatic last Monday. It has 94k on it and is my first ever diesel. Not wanting to drive something stock, Friday I added a MBRP 4" exhaust system. Saturday I changed the fuel filter. This afternoon, I put in the Predator tune. Now the problems have started.

When I was finished adding the Predator tune, the "water in fuel" light came on. I was sitting in my driveway and it hadn't been on on the way home for work. But for some reason, I honestly don't think the Predator is to blame. I think it may be just a coincidence.

So not knowing a thing about diesels, I call my friend who has owned them. He explained to be how to drain the fuel filter thing. So I drained it and turned the key on with the drain open to flush fresh fuel through it. Closed it back up and went to start it. Light is still on. I repeat the process. Light is still on.

Now I decide to program back in the stock tune to eliminate the Predator variable. Repeat drain process. Light is still on.

Being the extremely impatient, wrench thrower that I am, I decide to drain it again and flush probably just short of 1/4 tank of fuel through the system. After flooding the neighbor's yard with a fuel spill rivaling the Exxon Valdez, light is still on.

In conclusion, I have now loaded the 85hp tune from the Predator back into the truck. If I can't figure this out rationally, I plan on running the piss out of it and making good on my extended warranty I purchased.

BTW, as for my fuel... I was told to buy diesel at large truck stops to ensure it was fresh and had less water. I have been buying it at the largest truck stop in my area. They go through a lot of fuel there also. At $2.31/gallon, it's the cheapest around by several cents.

Is there anything I'm missing?


SDD STAFF/Moderator
Apr 6, 2005
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I am thinking it is the programer...........

I would return the truck to stock programing, go find someone to read and then clear the codes.

My guess is you will be ok after doing this.



Earl needs B100
Apr 6, 2005
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Welcome to SDD!

From the looks of your sig you'll fit in.:sweet

What did the filter bowl look like? Did you drain any water at anytime or did you always get good looking fuel?

Doesn't the Predator have a code reader? Have you tried to clear the code?

I could only get rid of the light after getting bad fuel by dropping the tank. Treating the tank got it to go off for a few days after changing the filter but it came back on. Cleared the code with the Evo after changing the filter that had sludge at the bottom of the bowl.


SDD Junior Member
Mar 13, 2006
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Well I had returned it back to the stock tune during the process of trouble-shooting it and it was still on. The Predator will read codes and reset them. But I believe this is just for the "service engine soon" light. I tried to reset it but it didn't work.

I had my friend change the fuel filter because at the time, I didn't even know where it was and diesels are jsut so new to me. As for today, I never looked to see what was draining looked like. It all just poured onto my driveway and ran into the neighbor's yard.

Do any fuel additive's work?

Most importantly... is this thing safe to drive?


Feb 21, 2006
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OKC in front of the black clou
What's up Noob? I have an engine (spare in my shop). Wanna try the sensor for free? Welcome to the board. I'm pretty much newb too. I'm working on my Camaro tomorrow or the TT truck. Come by if you get the chance. My cell is 405-520-8450. If I am not there Randy will be there working on his FB I am pretty sure. You can just tell him I sent you and you want the sensor out of the F-450 motor we got in Jeff city MO. Oh yeah where's that 2.31 fuel?
Last edited:


SDD Junior Member
Mar 13, 2006
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NEokcTERROR said:
What's up Noob? I have an engine (spare in my shop). Wanna try the sensor for free? Welcome to the board. I'm pretty much newb too. I'm working on my Camaro tomorrow or the TT truck. Come by if you get the chance. My cell is 405-520-8450. If I am not there Randy will be there working on his FB I am pretty sure. You can just tell him I sent you and you want the sensor out of the F-450 motor we got in Jeff city MO. Oh yeah where's that 2.31 fuel?
LOL, small world Bo. I'm about to leave to go drop off some nitrous to one of my other customers' shops up in Edmond in a few minutes. I'll stop by on the way up there and see if anyone is there and if not, I'll stop by on the way home too.

It was $2.31 at JRs (the Pilot) at MLK and Reno. It was $2.34 last night though. It's going back up.

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