Oil Cooler or Thermostat


SDD Junior Member
Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Grants Pass, OR
Well, I finally have solved a problem that had plagued me for a year. Last year when I was towing my fully loaded enclosed 14' utility trailer from Las Vegas to Oregon in July with ambient temps above 100º all day. Oil temp and water temp delta was between 7 to 9º all trip. Well until things went haywire.

In Lassen Park area ambient temps were mid 70's and while going downhill my Edge tuner high oil temp starts going off. Oil temp was 220º and climbing and water temp was still 192º. I pulled over and looked for a leak thinking that it must be since everything up to that point was looking great for temps. No leaks found and while it idled my oil temp started to go down. So, I finally made it to my destination which took twice the travel time, keeping an eye on temps and pulling off the road many times getting there.

I had changed the oil cooler about 50K miles before had flushed and installed a coolant filter at that time. Thinking back to that cooler it had taken months of a slow increasing temps during my commute before the P012F code happened. I looked all over forums looking for a problem that was like mine with nothing but that the oil cooler must be plugged. I ordered a Bullet Proof Oil Cooler Relocation Kit and installed it last year. My oil temps did go down by a few degrees but if I was pulling or even going up long grades the oil water delta was up to 213º while water temps was no more than 196º. After the repairs I only drove it when needed and again searched the forums but I just could not find anyone with my problem.

That is until I got stuck in the snow last month and had the truck idling while I waited for my retrieval team to help pull me out. When I got back in the truck my oil temp had dropped to 170º which indicated I must have a thermostat problem. After pulling the stat housing and putting it on my bench I could see the back of the high flow thermostat had moved away from the housing. The thermostat had hyper extended. I had a warm feeling in my heart that this was probably the problem all along and kicked myself that I didn't change them with the cooler relocation kit but since they had been changed less than 50K and the ones before had over 125K and looked perfect why waste the extra $$$.

Problem has been solved and all I can surmise is the high rpm from dynamic breaking down the mountain passes through Lassen must have blown it apart, (see picture below). So happy as she has always been my daily driver. Deltas are back to the previous numbers and I don't dread driving the truck knowing there still was a problem.

Even though there are not as many 6.4L on the roads wanted to share this solution for any others that it may not just be the cooler. Hope this can help someone else!


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