STUPIDLY, I ran my 2000 7.3 out of diesel. Used WD-40 to get it running again. Of course, it ran like crap for a bit, but then seemed to be fine. Then, a couple weeks ago, I would go to start it, and it would start, but idle low. And if I would give it gas, it wouldnt respond, but keep running. Sometimes, the RPM's would come up very slowly, and when I would give it throttle, it would die. I would try to restart it, and it would take a long while, then run like crap, I mean, it wouldn't even roll forward. After a couple times of this, it will restart and run perfect????? A few days would go by, with it running great, then the same thing would happen again. I am by no means, a mechanic, and I live about 50 miles from a dealership. What do you expect.....sorry for the long message.