Jiffy Lube


Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
I needed to change the oil today in our Explorer but didn't really have the ambition so I pulled into Jiffy Lube. I asked for an oil change. While sitting in the waiting room they brought me the air filter and told me it needed changed. It was a little dirty on the outer edges of the pleats but it was fine, did not need changed and will not need changed for a long time. Next they brought in the radiator cap and told me it was shot. I opened the radiator a few days ago to test the coolant and it held pressure just fine. Last thing when I was paying the bill they informed me that the coolant was only good to -40 and I would need to pay them $79.95 to flush it and refill with lower protection coolant(we get temps of -60 during the winter). I tested the coolant a few days ago and did it again when I got home and it is good to -60 or more(my tester quits at -60). Just for kicks I asked him about draining a little of the coolant that is in it and add some straight coolant to lower the freeze protection. He told me that would not work because the coolant in it was all wore out.

Are all Jiffy Lubes like this? Some poor little old lady could get taken to the cleaners at a place like this. I think I better just up my ambition level and do my own oil changes like I usually do.


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2005
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OMG! That tried those pitches with the wrong person:D

A had a couple friends from my youngin days that worked part time at a JL and they never pushed additional services but we're talking the mid 80's ;)

The coolant was worn out:roflmao :roflmao :roflmao

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
Crumm said:
He told me that would not work because the coolant in it was all wore out.

Are all Jiffy Lubes like this?

Some poor little old lady could get taken to the cleaners at a place like this.
they do, every single day. How do you think they can afford to change your oil for less than it costs you to buy the parts and oil? They screw people every day. They tried to talk my wife into almost the smae routine that you got. She was worried that her antifreeze was going bad and everything.

I think I better just up my ambition level and do my own oil changes like I usually do.
you know what they say... if you want something done right.....

I had a buddy lose and engine because they put the oil back in before the plug. They tried to weasel out of repairing it because of some lame excuse as to why it was his fault and not theirs. Long story short, he ended up getting a check for the amount necessary to get a new engine. We stretched it out and made it enough to replace his blown 350 with a 383 stroker. It ran good.... But the oil changes were done by him from that point on.

Could you imagine if they did that to a Cummins or D-max? That would get spendy. (I did not say powerstroke, because an HPOP engine will not run without oil, so you technically can't wreck them due to low oil operation.)
Apr 1, 2005
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Alexandria, Virginia
Yep - All like that as far as I can tell.

I once took my brand new 2000 F150 4x4 to them for it's very first oil change. I simply didn't have the time - and had never ever used them before. They took the truck in and in about 15 mins - told me it was done. I paid the bill and walked out to the truck - took one look inside the cab - then popped the hood. Went back inside and told the manager they had exactly one minute to get the oil hand prints off my brand new steering wheel, dash, armrest and hood. Then they could clean my engine around the filler where they dripped/spilled oil. And while he was at it - come outside and show me exactly what part of the carpet they vac'd - and exactly what part of what windshield they cleaned as per the little sheet they gave me.

My daughter went to a different Jiffy to get her oil changed - she said she knew I was real busy and didn't want to bother me with it. Anyway - she calls me from the parking lot saying they would not change her oil until they replaced her valve cover gaskets - cause they were leaking and the oil wouldn't stay in the car they told her. This is on a two year old 2000 Ford Contour without a spec of oil or dirt anywhere on the motor. I told her to go back inside and declare everyone a freaking idiot and leave. She did -

So yep -



I'm a Window Licker!!
Nov 14, 2005
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Rendon, TX.
Try being the tech that has to work on one after it comes in from a JL. I swear if I could legally do it I would make a permanent drive thru thru there whole shop and office area. They always strip or over tighten the drain plug. They always over tighten the filter. They never seal the airfilter box assm. correctly. I won't get into the rest of it cause I could sling a wrench at them cause they just piss me off.

ranger boy

Banned User
May 1, 2005
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ive never let my parents change their oil at those places, I only heard bad about them.

let's hear more of these!!! these are great!!!


I'm a Window Licker!!
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
Rendon, TX.
Oh forgot. Quicky Lubes suck too. Just as bad as Jiffy Lube. I think they compete with each other to see who can be the most retarded.:roflmao


Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
rgdillon said:
And while he was at it - come outside and show me exactly what part of the carpet they vac'd - and exactly what part of what windshield they cleaned as per the little sheet they gave me.
My little sheet says something about Freezing weather where they are suppose to check that they washed the windows, Is it freezing inside there shop? NOT. Instead of a check mark for the vacuumed carpets it said "snow on floor" I guess they don't have a vac that will suck up water. I for one will not return to them for anything. I just went through about the same thing getting my transmission flushed at the local Ford dealer quick lube so I guess I need to do it all myself..


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Gee they sound quite competent I think it might be worth my time to drive up there just to get them to do a complete service on my truck. :roflmao

I've picked up a part time job turning wrenches for a shop that does nothing but landcrusiers. Right now I'm replacing the engine in one that they didn't tighten the oil filter on. Story follows below

Took it to a local firestone shop to change the oil. they changed it & sent her on her way. about 3 blocks down the road oil light comes on so she turns around goes back. They fill the oil back up w/ 4 quarts (holds 7) and tell her that the oil on the side of the engine is normal and that they've done nothing wrong. about 5 or 6 blocks down the road it starts making really bad noises and stops completely. Gets towed into the shop. Findings resulted in a hole busted out of the side of the block from the #5 cyl throwing a connecting rod. The sad thing is that the engine only had 90k on it they will run for easily over 300k w/ only regular oil changes.
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Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
yes they are all like that.

I was driving my girlfriends ( wife now ) up to Kansas City after she had the oil changed that morning. She asked where to have it changed at, and I told her anywhere but Jiffy Lube. I told her to go somewhere that used valvoline. She took it to Jiffylube and payed extra for Valvoline oil:doh: 125 miles after this oil change, the oil light comes on, rods start trying to escape the block. They used the wrong oil filter (check valve )that starved the top of the motor and made a hydraulic pump with no pressure relief on the bottom end. The car was old enough that the fight with Jiffy Lube was not worth the cost of the motor since they weren't budging. And I married her:cussing:

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