More newbie queries tonight!
I'd appreciate input on any experiences or opinions about:
1. hour meter ("Hobbs meter") for tracking maintenance intervals on my SD, and what hour intervals would be appropriate to use
2. use of synthetic oil, and oil analyses. Looks actually pretty reasonable compared to a standard "stealer" oil change, although not so sure if you add up all the oil analyses how much is saved.
('02 7.3L PSD 60k and stock...but awaiting an aFe intake!!!
in advance!

1. hour meter ("Hobbs meter") for tracking maintenance intervals on my SD, and what hour intervals would be appropriate to use
2. use of synthetic oil, and oil analyses. Looks actually pretty reasonable compared to a standard "stealer" oil change, although not so sure if you add up all the oil analyses how much is saved.
('02 7.3L PSD 60k and stock...but awaiting an aFe intake!!!