Help TEXAS veterans


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
Help Veterans that are severly disabled

Postby powerboatr » Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:26 pm
I ask of all the good folks here to send a note to our Texas Senators and Representatives to move the two bills all the way down the field to the governors desk
83(R) HB-1162 and 83(R) HB-2235. Both bills give a bit of help to those with severe 100% disabled ratings. The first is a sales tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans and the second is a sales tax break for purchasing a vehicle. Both bills are sitting in the ways and means committees.
Sales tax reduction on vehicles is not a huge money swap, but it would greatly help vets getting vehicles and subsequently having conversions done to make them easier to ingress or egress or drive. Yes the VA gives a few dollars for the conversions, but no where near what it costs. It seems if your in the business of converting vehicles for disabled persons, the cost just soar, which is understandable at what some need to be done to be safe.

The sales tax exemption, for 100% broken folks is not real huge, but using my own last years purchases, would save near 1000 per year in taxes. That my friends is 5 months of groceries for my family of two. The bill on the sales tax exemption is very restrictive and is not a blanket for all broken veterans. You have to file with the comptroller for an ID number and its only awarded to 100% VA rated veterans.
Remember 100% VA rated veterans are restricted to 6k annual income or they loose the rating.
100% means full access to medical care through the VA.
Please help me reach our officials and show support

Oklahoma already has similar laws in effect for veterans

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