.... Also, when it is cold out, I believe the wastegate closes to make the engine closes to make the engine warm up quicker. It seems to stay closed past warm up. The truck is pretty much powerless because i cant get boost while this wastegate is closed. It is only when it is cold out so it must be another temperature sensor. Can anyone help me out? any help is greatly appreciated.
You say wastegate, are you actually refering to the
Valve (EBPV)? The EBPV is the big butterfly valve on the turbo that closes off the exhaust pipe to help the warm up. The EBPV is operated by an actuator underneath the turbo in the turbo mounting pedestal. The wastegate is a little flapper valve inside the exhaust housing of the turbo that is controlled by a pressure actuator on top of the turbo.
Part of that EBPV system is a
Sensor (EBPS). There is a little tube that goes from the front of the right side exhaust manifold around to the front of the motor to the EPBS located near the HPOP reservoir. What this EBPS does is sense an increase of exhaust back pressure when the throttle is applied and the EBPV is still closed. The EBPS sends a signal to the PCM to open the EBPV. With the lack of power, it sounds to me like you're describing the EPBV staying closed.
Often times one of two things happens to cause this, either the tube to the EBPS gets clogged with carbon or a hole corrodes in it. In either case, the pressure increase is prevented from reaching the EBPS, so the signal to open the EBPV is never sent to the PCM.
A quick way of checking for this and can be a temp fix to return driveability is to unplug the EPBV actuator wire on the turbo pedestal. This will prevent the EBPV from closing. If this fixes your drivabilty problem, then you need to look for a problem with the EBPS or the tube that runs to it from the exhaust manifold.