95_stroker said:
Did the 6 o'clock news mention anything about that little tussle thats about to start in Iran?
For me, it's not so much the price per gallon, here in the US.... It's the, so called, Reasons Why.
Fuel prices have been 4,5,6+ bucks a gallon for years, over seas. We've had it Good here....
But just because some country Rattles it's Sword, or >1< oil platform or refinery blows a Widgit valve... and has to go Off Line or slow it's production... I just can't see WHY fuel goes up 30, 40 cents a gallon. In 2 weeks. And Profits go up along with it.
Somethings a matter with that Picture.
Anybody see that piece on 60 Minutes about "OIL SANDS" in Canada ?.... They say theres enough Oil in the Sands, on the surface lands up there, to carry ALL of North America, beyond the 21st Century.
Thats not to mention the Artic oil reserves.... nuther whole distorted picture.
It's time we get off our Duff and use whats available to us. With a Clear and Honest Picture of how it works.
it'.... I'm dun Ranting.
I waz Pizzed at the price of fuel..... then I saw a guy Hitchhike'n, with everthing he owned, on his back.