haulin8or said:
So lets get this straight.

They take a vital component out, charge more for it and force you to purchase a product to make up for the deficiency which, essentially, puts the product back to it's original state?? Yep, sounds like a gov't program. -mad Sounds like the whole damn Freon thing again, yet they did nothing about all the bovine out there flatulating causing even more greenhouse gasses then the Freon!
i was just over at the EPA site, researching a chemical, and ran across a whole table devoted to cows and flactulance, some one mentioned to put in Particle traps to contain the methane release, I will see if i can find it again
no really they did mention the % of methane per cow and herd size and its effect on the environment, the answer was to eat more chikin
ok ok seriously it was in the report but they concluded the means to limit the methane production would far outweigh the reduction worldwide so we are stuck with smelly cow farts
EPA Retrofit Guidance Will Help States Calculate Air Quality Benefits
Release date: 06/13/2006
Contact Information: John Millett, (202) 564-4355 /
[email protected]
(6/13/06) EPA has issued guidance to states on how retrofit projects can be used in state plans to meet federal air quality standards and conformity determinations.
Diesel retrofit technologies can reduce pollution from the existing diesel engine fleet by up to 50 percent for nitrogen oxides and up to 90 percent for both particulate matter and volatile organic compounds.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) mandated EPA to develop the guidance. Further, the president's FY07 budget request includes $49.5 million to support EPAct's Diesel Emissions Reduction provision.
The guidance also complements last year's Transportation Act (SAFETEA-LU). For the first time, the Act directs states and metropolitan planning organizations to give priority funding to diesel retrofits and other cost-effective mobile strategies under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program.
Information about "Diesel Retrofits: Quantifying and Using Their Benefits in SIPs and Conformity – Guidance for State and Local Air and Transportation Agencies": epa.gov/otaq/stateresources/transconf/policy.htm