certified nutjob
everything was fine yesterday.this morning i go to the post office and felt the rear end chattering.well it does this when it needs a fluid change or is low on fluid.then all of a sudden i heard a bang and felt like i got rearended! did this a few times on the way out to the office.i get to the office and crawl under to check the fluid and see it dripping from a big bulge in the bottom of the cover.
i split one spider gear into 3 pieces,took 1 tooth off another and took 5 teeth out 10 off another and had 3 that were perfect.thank god the 2 side gears were good as the new gear i got were the wrong size splines for my axles but the rest of the gears were the same.so 250.00 later im back up and running.i dont think this truck wants to go to florida.last year i was supposed to go and it decided to puke the tranny out.this time it spit a spider gear through the cover.now what will it do between now and friday to get out of going on the trip?
everything was fine yesterday.this morning i go to the post office and felt the rear end chattering.well it does this when it needs a fluid change or is low on fluid.then all of a sudden i heard a bang and felt like i got rearended! did this a few times on the way out to the office.i get to the office and crawl under to check the fluid and see it dripping from a big bulge in the bottom of the cover.
i split one spider gear into 3 pieces,took 1 tooth off another and took 5 teeth out 10 off another and had 3 that were perfect.thank god the 2 side gears were good as the new gear i got were the wrong size splines for my axles but the rest of the gears were the same.so 250.00 later im back up and running.i dont think this truck wants to go to florida.last year i was supposed to go and it decided to puke the tranny out.this time it spit a spider gear through the cover.now what will it do between now and friday to get out of going on the trip?