I have cruise control!
Spring clock output to colomn needs to have 6 wires (3 on each side of block connector) to the harness plug in. My original column (XL) had only 3. Then cruise control is a plug in , as no PCM turn on from Ford (or anyone) was needed. IT JUST WORKS!
Brake stops it/turns the cruise off (as it should) and all aspects work as OEM
THANKS to all who had input here, and again, THANKS to tail Gunner, for mentioning the "plug in" as that was the key. I did not have those 3 wires.
I'll try to do a pic write up, if I get time.
Now I need to find passanger front window power regulator (motor), and that same door power lock actuator (used is fine). Anyone? Bueller, anyone? I've got the drivers and passanger sitches for windows - one for drivers side to power up/down the passanger window, and another one to put at that
Thanks,passanger window. I also have 1 power door lock sitch (for drivers door) to acuate just that passanger door.
I (of course) don't have power windows or locks, but I really only need to open that passanger front window and door lock, as that arm stretch is too far to be cranking a window, or unlocking/locking a door constantly. I do have air and likely won't need the rear windows opened much, unless there's people back there that can open them for whatever reason.
I could also find a dinged up door at the yard and get both pieces out of that.