I had an issue with the Ex last Monday. I went out to start it and it cranked a couple of times then nothing.... I turned the key back and tried again. All the lights dimmed and still no vroom vroom. I got my meter out and checked both batteries and besides being low on water they checked out fine. So I'm thinking starter. We just bought it about a month ago and it had a came with a 60 day warranty so I called the dealer. The mechanic chalked it up to bad batteries and told me to go spend the money for new ones. I told him I thought it was either a short or the starter. He still insisted batteries. I got off the phone with the mission to prove him wrong. I started checking the battery cables from the batteries down to the starter. I got to the starter and noticed it looked a little funny. One of the bolts had broken off in the housing. I had never seen one do that before, but $154 dollars later, after my military discount, it starts just fine. Now I get to call the dealer back and say, "Pay up Sucka!"
Anybody else seen this happen before??
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