Re: Battery Drainage
Hi! I'm new to the forum.
Thanks so much to all that post here. The knowledge base on here puts me at ease with future questions or wrenching situations.
I just purchased an '01 'X' w/7.3...140k...very happy. Will get some pics up soon!
I had same problem as you described...battery drainage.
Load tested both batteries with a tester from the local parts store for free...and they were bad. Ended up being the original batteries, and when I took one out, it was swollen, corroded, and ready for a core exchange. Before buying new, I tried replacing only one battery with one I had in the garage, but over the weekend they drained to nothing as well.
Then three people told to replace both batteries at the same time. I did so and haven't looked back. Seems the weaker one will drain the stronger one.
Thankfully my problem happened at the car lot and again at my house when I test drove it for a day (had to jump it), so in the end I ended up getting a check to pay for one new battery...better than nothing. Now I have two batteries w/1050CCA each @32 degrees, 880 at 0. At first the sellers tried to tell me the programmer takes so much battery that it drains them to nothing. One call to the programmer manufacturer and that myth was busted.
After getting your new batteries, shine up the posts and the inside of your clamps for good connections with a battery post brush, place a bit of synthetic oil or lithium grease on the posts to help against corrosion, and hopefully you'll be golden.
If you still have drainage, go through the charging system...even new alternators can be junk from the get-go. Also check to make sure battery cables aren't touching the body or other parts on your rig.
Oh, measure your battery size BEFORE getting new ones...I left the cores at the front of the store, just guessed the size, got them home, modified the cases a bit to hold the batteries in because they were an inch too narrow. Guess what... They were also an inch or so too tall and I couldn't shut the hood! DUH!

, &

. Swapped them the next day and all is well.