95_stroker said:
Dont put it in the DP if you dont have to.
1250°F for pre turbo
900°F post turbo.
For what it is worth, i agree totally with everything said here.
International recommends a limit of 1,250 in the manifold.
Some individuals that have tested with probes in both spots have seen as much as a 500 degree drop in the manifold to downpipe temps. The problem is that the difference varied HUGELY, to where 1250 pre could result in 800 post, meaning that if you go to 900 post, you *could* be feeding some pretty hot air into your turbo. Or, at 900, your pre number could be 900, also, meaning you're de-fueling when you don't have to! Post is just not a very accurate way to read your temps. It is good for shutdown temps, not much more, IMHO.
The good thing about all of this is that it is infinitely easier to put a probe in the manifold. 15 minutes, tops. No welding, no bungs to buy....
The manifold drills like a piece of wood. it's like butter. It taps even easier. Just back your tap off a quarter turn, run it in a half turn, back off a quarter turn, etc until you've tapped so that the probe sits about halfway into the manifold, and you're done. I was scared of the process. Afterwards, I felt silly. It is remarkably easy.