Señor Aceite de Soja
Will plugging in the heater cord at night avoid the EBPV from functioning when I start it up when it's below 37*?
We're having a mild winter and morning temps are warm enough for the EBPV to not activate but a cold snap is coming. Although I've had my truck for four years I've never needed or used my plug in cord. I had some turbo work done last summer and my EBPV was fixed so this is the first winter with it working.
When should a properly working EBPV open up?
We're having a mild winter and morning temps are warm enough for the EBPV to not activate but a cold snap is coming. Although I've had my truck for four years I've never needed or used my plug in cord. I had some turbo work done last summer and my EBPV was fixed so this is the first winter with it working.
When should a properly working EBPV open up?