Well, after a new GPR, then glow plugs and another GPR, two cans of ether, and plugging it in every night, even when it's 35 degrees out...
I got a new scanner. Traded in the MODIS on a VERSUS with the wireless this, wireless that and wireless the other thing..
Playing around with it today to familiarize myself with it.. noticed something with ol' Mighty Whitey...
at idle, after six hours of sitting in the shop while I d*cked around with parts inventory..
I'm only getting 580-590 psi ICP..
if memory serves, low limit is 600psi...
How much is an Adrenalin HPOP again?
wonder if this would also explain the surging I was getting back in November? I changed the oil and it went away.. could have been a sign..
I got a new scanner. Traded in the MODIS on a VERSUS with the wireless this, wireless that and wireless the other thing..
Playing around with it today to familiarize myself with it.. noticed something with ol' Mighty Whitey...
at idle, after six hours of sitting in the shop while I d*cked around with parts inventory..
I'm only getting 580-590 psi ICP..
if memory serves, low limit is 600psi...
How much is an Adrenalin HPOP again?
wonder if this would also explain the surging I was getting back in November? I changed the oil and it went away.. could have been a sign..