High tech redneck
My clutch went out last week, wouldn't disenguage. Thought the master cylender had gone out so we replaced it along with the slave cylender and still no clutch. Managed to limp the old girl home (Dalton, GA to Dallas, TX) which was a chore in itself.
Pulled the tranny and found a toasted pilot bearing. I had replaced the clutch (disc, pressure plate, release bearing, arm and slave cylender) in February. The only thing not replaced then was the pilot bearing so I figured I had learned an important lesson.
Replaced the pilot bearing, inspected everything else and all looked to be fine. Put it all back together and fired her up. Cluytch didn't feel right, didn's want to disenguage completely still but was driveable. Drove 5 miles to the parts store and back and now, no clutch. When I got the the parts store and depressed the clutch there was a pop that sounded like it came from under the dash in the clutch pedal area. Now, the clutch safety switch wont let the truck start unless you let the pedal up off the floor about an inch.
I have check the clutch switch possition and it is where it should be. No movement in the master cylender or slave cylender when pedal depressed.
Any ideas of things to check before I pull the tranny again? If I don't find something in the morning I am going to pull the tranny and take the cluch assemble back to O'Reilly's for an exchange, it has a lifetime warranty against defects.
Thanks in advance,
Pulled the tranny and found a toasted pilot bearing. I had replaced the clutch (disc, pressure plate, release bearing, arm and slave cylender) in February. The only thing not replaced then was the pilot bearing so I figured I had learned an important lesson.
Replaced the pilot bearing, inspected everything else and all looked to be fine. Put it all back together and fired her up. Cluytch didn't feel right, didn's want to disenguage completely still but was driveable. Drove 5 miles to the parts store and back and now, no clutch. When I got the the parts store and depressed the clutch there was a pop that sounded like it came from under the dash in the clutch pedal area. Now, the clutch safety switch wont let the truck start unless you let the pedal up off the floor about an inch.
I have check the clutch switch possition and it is where it should be. No movement in the master cylender or slave cylender when pedal depressed.
Any ideas of things to check before I pull the tranny again? If I don't find something in the morning I am going to pull the tranny and take the cluch assemble back to O'Reilly's for an exchange, it has a lifetime warranty against defects.
Thanks in advance,