Calling all dually drivers


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
That my good man is why I miss florida so much, a realistic and honest tax system.
I dont mind a fire tax or police tax,
you know my 7x 14 utiltiy cargo was only 12 last year, seem Al based it on dry weight of 1200 lbs?
sorry to hear your 100%, it makes me hurt just being 60% broken. but i am getting worse:(
its good to be a vet aint it:sweet

rray32539 said:
Powerboater, it makes me glad I live in the Sunshine State:

Tax on the truck $0.00, plate fee $4.00 /year (exempt, 100 percent Disabled Veteran)
Wife's Car: $36.10
Boat: $22.50
Boat Trailer: $21.75
Utility Trailer $20.75
Home Property Tax: $0.00 (again exempt, 100 percent Disabled Veteran)
Fire Tax: $76.00

And NO state income tax! :sweet


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
this just in form the Texas DOT

Dear Sir,
For your truck since you qualify for DV license plates you need to apply for that as soon as possible using form VTR-615 that will cost $3.00. When you get here to Texas have the vehicle inspected at any new car dealership or a Quick Lube business and they will give you a VI-30 form that is to verify the VIN on the vehicle being broght into the state of Texas. When all of that is done bring in your out of state title or if there is a lien the last registration receipt from that state, VI-30 form, and your insurance. Because you are military you are exempt from the new resident fee so you will pay us $28.00 at that time. You will also need a form 130-U for this transaction.

For your camper you will need to get a weight slip from a feed store and if that weight is over 4500 lbs you will need to have it inspected and get a VI-30 form for it. The fees for registration is based on the weight so i cannot give you a quote on that at this time. The forms you will need for this is a 130-U and VTR-141 there may be one other form for both but we can fill it out when you come in.

yea haw jesters dead finally someone at the DOT that could cut through the tape and give me a clear answer


High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Sewanee, TN
Being a 100 percent disabled vet is a job, dealing with the pain, visits to the base hospital and the VA clinic, taking over 20 prescriptions a month, what a royal PITA. I would rather have my health, a job, and feel like a taxpaying citizen again. :( This being grounded permanently (figuratively and literally, as I can no longer be pilot in command in general aviation, because I can't pass a medical exam) blows. The closest I get to commanding anything is my boat, and she is going to be set for a refit when I get my garage done in about a month. It's going to get to 26 degrees tonight. If it gets any colder, I'm moving to Florida...wait...I AM in Florida, BARELY!:confused:


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
it was 22 on top the mountain this morning, DAAAAAAAMNNN . ground heaved up all around the truck( red dirt)
I feel your pain with the va, i especailly like the no notice dr. appointments
friend of mine they cut a break and re-rated him to 90 vice 100 so he could work.

however, enjoy the boat and if you dont have grand kids, go borrow one they lift the spirit.
back on track
looks like $$ for the truck wont be to bad,
and its COOOOOLLLLLDDD here this morning

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