HCAbowman said:
Scary really, had that happen turkey hunting...Gets your attention quick!!
"There is nothing in life more exhilarating than having been shot at without result" - Winston Churchill.
I beg to differ, Winston. The real adrenaline gets flowing when it happens enough that you get down and prepare to return fire. I had a guy, despite my shouting as loud as I could, persist in shooting across a canyon (it had to be 1,000 yards or more) at a deer a couple hundred feet above me. He was shooting low, and altogether too close for comfort. I can't believe he was trying to make that shot. It was impossible. I have never in my time seen a guy try to make a shot like that. What is more, here in Washington, a buck has to be 3-point or bigger (on one side, out here in the west). There is simply NO way he could have counted points at that distance. After he emptied one mag and reloaded and started over again, I got my rifle out and started calculating the fall of a .30-06 at 1,000 yards. Figured I'd put one near him and wake him up. But discretion won out, and I didn't even shut off the safety. I just laid low until he ran out of bullets, and resolved to kick the crap out of him if we met at the bottom of the canyon.
Anyway, speaking of elk, I just dropped my first one last week, after 8 years of trying. THe law of averages said I eventually HAD to get dumb lucky enough to stumble on to one.