Earl needs B100
This morning I noticed that my boost gauge was reading a tick above the needle it rests on when not running at IDLE. I thought it might be the gauge because it’s cold. Got back from taking my son to school and did some testing. Blip the throttle, it dropped to the needle and came back up to the same place. Slowly rev it, it drops then slowly produces boost. I can regulate it with the throttle, I made 5 psi and could prolly make more. IIRC I use to have to rev the crap out of it to make 5 psi when parked. The part that really bothers me is the slight boost and drop to 0 when the throttle is blipped. What would cause this, I'm really at a loss!
BTW, I’m tied into the MAP line I got from DI.
BTW, I’m tied into the MAP line I got from DI.