Not all 97's had a heater, it was optional that year and if your truck was ordered or sold in a southern state it may not have one. But, crawl under the truck and look up near the oil filter base, if you see the cord hanging out there then follow the wire, its probably tucked in behind the bumper or up under the headlight bucket.
haha damn ill just paint my truck then and it should have one haha well my truck was sold in vegas so idk if it has one it tells you how to use it in my manual but it dont say where it is so ill look by the oil filter and under the bumper and see what i come up with
ok i found it it was tucked under the battery on the drivers side so i cut the zip tie off and pulled through the grill so i can plug it in at night now
it doesnt get that cold but i will still plug it in just so i wont have to warm my truck up as long in the morning before work the past week its been getting down below freezing at night its 52 right now and the low is going to be around 35 so not to cold haha