YOu want to talk about a waste of taxpayer money. Jeez.
BUT, it pretty much proves my point that i've been saying all along. It was only a matter of time before all the black smoke people love to make caught up with us all and caused a real SOB of a problem.
You've got websites specifically voting on who made the best black smoke pictures with their truck, and guys bragging about how much smoke they can make with their truck. I'll be the first to say "BFD" but someone less educated on the matter may very well assume that this is horrific, deadly poison pollution, especially given the misinformation the "justify your existance" government organizations are spewing out about how deadly smoke from diesels are. I mean, based on their studies, I should be DEAD.
No one really knows that the studies that were done to come up with these ideas were fatally flawed, and that no one has as of yet explained the method behind HOW diesel exhaust kills, being as it is inert carbon molecules and all. They just "know" that it does. So without that, and with folks being told that they are going to die wholesale as a result, you now have this problem.