I have noticed my positive cables on both my Bosch 1000 amp batteries are getting coated in a whitish green corrosion. I have sprayed both with acid corrosion spray and the yellow spray should turn pink is acid were present but it didn't. What is this corrosion and what causes it?
Can get purdy "Chemical Sciencey" but simply.. As a battery "Gasses", while charging .. It starts as a Sweat, from the Hydrogen gas that is emitted, then condense on the posts, clamps and cables..from the battery Electrolyte, that has Sulphuric Acid in it....
Dirt, grit, grime, humidity and other fumes collect, condense, and add to it.. along with other under the hood stuff.
The corrosion you see is actually a Calcium concoction of All The Above.
If left alone.. it will soon degrade the electrical conductivity.. between the Battery's and the truck/cars, 12v needs.
That's why a couple of us are always Harp'n about keeping the Batteries, Cables & Clamps Clean.....

I use grease on mine.. but there are several products and methods out there that will help prevent and clean it off. Routine maintenance being the Best Preventative.. AGM & Dry Cell type batterys seem to be less of a build up hassle.