Interesting but kinda tiring. I've been getting a bit shorted on sleep, hoping to get caught up a bit this weekend. Mrs. TG wants to go camping, she has about 4 days off thru Wed. That means Monday & Tuesday I get to commute from Van Riper state park to NMU.
I took my tool box to school today. A couple of good bumps courtesy of Marquette's street resurfacing projects left the contents of my box totally scrambled.
I did score a significant victory today. NMU requires that all students attend a health & fitness awareness class. I requested transfer credit for that class a couple months ago. Enduring USAF basic training gets one college level credits from Community College of the Air Force for classes taken during basic training. My request for NMU credit towards CCAF credits for basic training was denied. I was so turned off by the prospect of being forced into chasing a bunch of damned kids around "the dome", I would have otherwise taken the aircraft maintenance course a good dozen years ago. But recent developments in my job situation forced me into doing something or another. So I decided on taking the aircraft maint. course whether I wanted to chase kids around a gym or not.
As it turns out, one of my class mates is also a retired USAF Sgt who retired within just the last couple months. I was talking about having to take that bs class. He told me that he thought that he had been given transfer credit for it and didn't have to take that class. Right away I'm thinking WTF!!!, why does he get out of it, but I have to take it? I asked him to bring his paperwork showing all his transfer credits from CCAF. This morning I looked at it, and sure enough, they gave him credit. So I copied it and went up to the registrar's office and demanded the same credit for the same basic training. They were speechless and had no explainations. They gave me the credit for the course I so badly didn't want to take. Since I'm already taking 18 credits, I'll get a tuition refund for the extra class and 100% credit on the refund of the text book. So I am pretty

On the other hand, I got homework to get done before we can go camping, assignment is due Monday.

No internet out at the state park.