FWIW, The first two years I owned my 2K.... it usta leak there too, only in the early Fall. Only one or two drops. Only in my driveway. Only on a Cold morning. Only when it was about to rain. I thought it was from further up, near the water-pump, but it was >more wet< near the lower hose. I just got under there, wiped it with my finger, tasted it, and then Swore at it. It quit leaking. Til' the Next year. (early Fall)
The third year, I changed out that Fordgeneered "Better Idea" spring thing hose clamp dealie for a regular, genaric, hose clamp.... It has'nt leaked since.
I wedged the spring hose clamp dealie apart with a line-up tool, took my Dremel with a cut-off wheel on it .... Scored it, till I could bend it back. It fell off. Not too tight on the clamp. That Tube IS purdy thin stuff. Did'nt have to drain the radiator tho.