I've always had multiple forms of alternate transportation, but I've recently pruned the fleet down to the Super Duty, an '05 Camry, and a "new" '98 Saturn SC-2. I parted out my '01 ZX-6E Ninja that got 55 mpg; ran the rings out of my '89 Festiva that got 47 mpg and sold it; and I traded the '95 F-250 for the Saturn.
The Super Duty is still my preferred daily driver, but I'm mostly behind the wheel of the 33/40 mpg Saturn until I get the ball joints replaced. Considering savings in insurance, tags, and the motorcycle sales proceeds, etc....I'm about $5K to the good this year.
And, we burn so much gasoline in the cars I accumulate enough Speedway Speedy Rewards points to get $0.50 off per gallon when it comes time to tank up the Super Duty.
I have adjusted my spending on hobby-related items and watch my spending closer because of the diesel fuel prices, but no cuts that really hurt. I enjoy driving the truck enough to compensate. It's nice that diesel prices are finally dropping here. Went from $3.19 down to $2.86 per gallon over the past week.