There is a chart that will tell you at a fixed rpm the expected cycle times for the a/c on a ford based on the FFO (Fixed flow oriface) design of our a/c systems. However at idle the compressor should run pretty much nonstop if it is cycling at idle rapidly then you more than likely are tripping the low presure switch on the suction side of the compressor so it's kicking off and as the pressure re equalizes it's kicking back on.
Your truck should not bog down at all when the compressor kicks on because there is plenty of excess power at idle on these engines. If it is noticeable then you might have a compressor that is getting ready to sieze
Having messed with enough a/c systems I can say that I can turn the compressor by hand and have a pretty good idea of if the compressor is in good shape or if it's getting worn.
The compressor kicking on with defrost is normal. It's a design that uses the ability of the a/c system to remove moisture from the air to accellerate the evaporation of the condensation on your winshield. Hot dry air will evaporate moisture more rapidly than hot moist air. If it's hot you can defrost the winshield using cold air it will just take a bit longer which is nice to keep from flipping the heat on in the middle of the summer if you happen to fog up the windows.