powerboatr said:
and dont call me HOSS
Okay, Shirley...
Now THAT was an uncalled for cheap shot, and I won't stand for it.
Oh, heck, he's old and senile, I guess I'll let him get away with it.
Seriously, though, Robert, heartfelt congratulations on the culmination of your efforts, and the well-earned years of reward you surely have in front of you. I hope that your retirement is as good as it gets, and seems like it lasts FOREVER.
I'm expecting to hear about you buying a lot more trucks in the future, because you keep WEARING THEM OUT towing that nice 5'er all over the continent and having a BLAST doing it. I'm not quite retired myself,
and am couldn't be even if I came into a bunch of money, but I still find myself having a few weeks a year to go have me some fun. Don't know what I'd do without a timeclock to punch, though. Hope it treats you well.
If you ever find yourself meandering up into the Spokane area in a dementia-induced confusion (caused by OLD AGE) look me up. I'm not hard to find.... It'd be an honor to buy you a beer. (Or 12).