Not real sure what you mean Rich. But the only way to get to the vent tube is to drop the tank (or remove the bed) and remove the fuel gauge sending unit/pick up valve assembly. after the 2 vents on the in the front and 1 in the rear.the owner had the insidse of the tank sealed and i think they left the vents in it when they sealed it cuz when its full it leaks when parked on a hill faceing either direction.
steel.its a 99 f450 wrecker.i can get right at the 2 vents but i dont know how they come out of the tank.i dont want to drop the tank just cuz i cant see them to figure out how to get them out.
if they are not in a rubber groment like the older Ford trucks, then you should beable to push down slightly and turn....which way i can`t remember....hope this helps