Does the heater change from floor to defrost randomly? or only when swithing 4x4 on/off? If it only loses vacuum when you are switching the 4x4 on or off, I would be inclined to say that the solenoid switch is indeed working, and the leak would have to be after that point in the system. I was thinking, did you plug the line where they tee off to go to each hub? or was it above that? I would suspect that the leak is on the boot that comes out of the solenoid (the black hose), on the poly line right after that (the one that has like a wire loom over it) or on the joint where it turns into rubber line. If you plugged the line immediately after the solenoid, then you would want to check the valve itself, see if when it engages, if it is leaking e.g. crack in the valve body or some way for the vacuum to pull outside air at that point.