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What are you being quoted for the 30K service on your 4x4 deezles?
$775 here

$775 here
I agree,do it yourself long as you don't have girlie handsService? lol thats why you do most of it yourself and make sure you have a friend whos a Tech at a dealer.
tranny fluid and external filter is easy. any body can do it,
the tq shift you dont drop the pan unless the guts need working on, so drain it
re-istall plug, start her up and let her run a minute, then shut off and drain pan one more time, then change the external filter. be careful its a bear to get to move and the bracket will BREAK if not carefull, a shot of pb blaster helps to loosen it, a well placed piece of scrap wood also helps stabilize the bracket so it doesnt go bende or snap
rest of the 30k stuff is cake, two fuel filters
775 seems excessive in price
robert your suggesting someone drain fluid off the trans & then START it (w/ the low fluid level ) !?!