Re: Job #
Built before 06/07 than it a job 1.
07/07-12/07 Job 2
2008+ Job 3
The Job 1 truck is supposed to have the most engine problems, bad radiator hose, and bad EGR valve.
The Job 2 truck is supposed to have had transmission problems.
The Job 3 truck is supposed to be the best of the 6.4's builds.

There is some minor hardware changes, but mostly it is in the calibration (computer programming) that the computer runs. For instance the job 1 trucks had an external transmission filter along with the regular internal one. Job 2 did not. And as a side note, the job 2 trucks that have had a tranny fail and get replaced under warranty are now equipped with the external filter as well.
Roughly, 2008 Job 1 trucks were produced in the first half of 2007. Job 2 trucks were produced in the second half of 2007. And Job 3 trucks were produced in 2008. So if you find a new Job 1 2008 on a dealer's lot, it has been sitting there for well over a year. And a Job 2 truck has been sitting there for about a year. A Job 3 truck will have been sitting there for only 3 to 9 months.
To see what was included in Job 1 trucks, and what changed for Job 2 truck, click on the following link and skip down to about page 11 and start reading until you finish about page 32. ... Basically, they added some options for Job 2 that weren't available for Job 1.
Next, click on the following link: Sunrise Ford Fleet - The Download Center, change the model year to 2008, and download the 2008 order guide for your choice of pickup. The Job 3 changes are listed in that order guide.
This is the info i have collected over a period of time from many sources ..many FORD folks.