06 f-250 6.0L power chip questions?


Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
New York
I just bought a 2006 f-250 super duty diesel 6.0L powerstroke and I am going to upgrade the intake with an AFE stage 2 intake and 4" exhaust not sure which one any thoughts? and I want a new chip/programmer?

The problem is I have an extended warranty to 75K for the price of the vehicle on everything and the guys at the shop there told me just make sure what ever product you get make sure you can reset the program to original settings. In looking at the products they really don't talk much about this but all they talk about is the ease of programming etc... Any thoughts? Banks? Bully Dog? etc? PLEASE help.. what do you have and how easy was it to hook up? thanks Ken


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
I will probably cause some to flip out.
exhaust is a good start, air intake is a waste of $$ the stock airfliter on teh 6.0 is superb compared to teh 7.3,
followed by exhaust temp gauge and real tranny temp guage with the sender in the tranny body on the drivvers side test port. very accurate source for temps, then a boost gauge unless you got the dash with one in it, its pretty close to accurate.
the warranty, you play you pay, with the recent rounds of speculation and tuner issue, its not if your dealer will catch you, its when. Then its up to Ford and them to decide if your tuner busted something. will tey freak if you have a tuner/chip and the a/c quits, probably not even notice it.
There is a complicated driving prcoedure to follow after the tuner or chip is removed to erase the suspected code trail. however..... its long and takes miles to do, even if you unplug the battery.
and if you break down and call a tow, are you going to get caught???

I miss my tuner like i had in my 02 7.3 but with the issues surrounding this engine its a very hard pill to take to chance loosing a 100k bumper to bumper warranty for a few more hp.
I was pretty certain i would get one a few weeks ago, but now I am most certain to wait much longer.
I have great power now and tq is freaking excellent and i pull a very heavy fiver.

bottom line call me Chicken for not risking the coverage on a 50k truck.
others will disagree, but thats ok

exhaust, MBRP, magnaflow all make good ones, you decide if you keep the muffler or cat. the cat is a part of your emissions system, so that another pill to take if you remove it, some do andonly re-install it for inspections, if you off road in grassy areas, i would suggest its removal to reduce the chance of fires.

Now if we were talking the bullet resistant 7.3 we would be talking about adding tuners and chips Right now.:burnit

Oh and welcome to the site, visit often and we will turn you into a mod junkie
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Mar 31, 2006
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If you go for Exhaust I highly recomend the MBRP 409 Stainless 4". Its alot less than most other brands and the fit and finish is second to none. For every Bullydog, magnaflow, or other brand of Exhaust we sell, 10 MBRP's go out the door.

As for a tuner I run a custom burn SCT. My local dealer has tried twice to locate it after I have removed it and cycled the key on and off 8 or 10 times, and cant find it. They are mod friendly, its actually a small bet me and the service writer have going. If he finds mine I sell him one at cost. Anyway, I'm sure there is someone smarter out there that could find it, and If the heads blow off a quik glance at the pistons will tell them of its existance. I wouldnt call 140 hp just a few ponies, but If I screw it up and damage my engine Im fully ready to pay the piper. If this scares you, most of these tuners come with a economy tune that is only about 60 hp and I would have to say you would be hard pressed to hurt that engine with it. Not that it cant or hasnt been done, but unlikely. By the way your 2006 is alot better than when they first came out. I keep mine on the 120 hp setting all the time and beat it (05) like a rented mule....no problems YET. Its been about 10k miles.

I would say for sure go with the Exhaust I really like the MBRP, as for the tuner you could go with a programmer, and run it on the low settings till the warranty runs out. If your nervous about it then maybe wait. If you have any questions or concerns give us a call or one of the other very good supporting vendors on this site. Good Luck in your decision its not an easy one.
Apr 1, 2005
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Alexandria, Virginia
Welcome to SDD :sweet

Installing an AFE is not really upgrading in my opinion - it's just spending money is all. What you have is an excellent balance of air flow and filtration.

Exhaust - take your pick on anything that is CAT back and your dealer won't complain.

Programmers - Any dealer that takes the time and or has the right computers can tell if you have or had one installed. If the thought of losing your warranty is going to cause you worry and sleepless nights - then don't get one.

Just remember the ole saying - you play you pay.

Good luck -



Mar 31, 2006
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Ya If you just want noise a cat back system is all you need. Removing the cat will let your EGT's stay lower than they are now with out the programmer. Many have noticed a decrease in MPG with just doing the Exhaust, but adding the intake will help with that problem. It will then egual out the free flowing exhaust. Plus it will also let the turbo spool up a little faster. The stock filter is very good. If you do change it use a quality filter like AFE or AEM. If you do just a cat back then you should be fine with the stock stuff. I dont even know how much a stock filter is....anyone? I have one sitting in my shop though.
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, Virginia
DiscountPowerParts said:
. . . I dont even know how much a stock filter is....anyone? I have one sitting in my shop though.

I picked up two of them for $36.17 each - :D :D :D Brand new Motorcrafts in the box. That's what happens when vendors try to out price each other :thumbs



Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
New York
thanks for all the input... I have been reading as well and I think I am just going to replace the stock air filter for now and get an exhaust, most likely MBRP but I am still torn on the chip.

The SCT one, how does it install? what makes it "so difficult" to find? thanks Ken


Mar 31, 2006
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The SCT is a programmer that you plug into the OBDII port under your dash infront of your right knee. It will ask you a few question and tell you to cycle your key off and on a couple times.

SCT is a Ford only company right now....they are starting to work on the Dmax, but seems they have perfected the PowerStroke. They say that some programmers can leave little clues after you take out the program. I have been told that the SCT is the best as far as cleaning up after itself as far as those clues are concerned. If you cycle your key off and on 6 to 10 times after removing the programmer it will delete any codes you may have. If your going to run it on the lower settings for economy you shouldnt have any problems from the programmer. In other words adding 60 hp should not cause engine related problems.


Who's your Bigdaddy?
May 4, 2005
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Shawnee, Ks
My dad has the SCT ExcalibratorII for his 6.0 along with 4inch MBRP turbo back and it runs great. The ExcalibratorII has the ability to pull and read codes and thats handy (for me also, it works on my 7.3 also hehe). I have to agree on the intake also, there is no use spending money when the stock one is very good. Definately get gauges first though.


Supporting Vendor
Apr 12, 2006
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You really need to think hard about what you want, and what is conisdered warranty friendly. I would follow what the service people, at the Dealer where you service you truck, are telling you if you want them to honor your warranty.

Now, if you want to play beyond these rules, then you should be willing to pay for whatever may happen.

The intake on the 6.0L is a great system as it stands. I am not sure I have seen any gains on my '03 when I upgraded to a cold air system. It does seem to run a little better, and my EGT's dropped maybe 50 deg over all.

On the exhaust side, you need to consider what the laws allow you to do in your area with regard to the Cat system. Some Manufactuerers of aftermarket systems, also sell a high flow cat. A 4" is exhaust is a nice system to add, but you also need to consider what benefits wil you get from one based on your driving habbits and tow conditions. In most cases a free flow muffler is all you need to open up the exhaust.

Prorgrammers, or power modules: Its a matter of taste and need. An SCT with stock programs is more than adequate, a custom tune allows you to go beyond that and tweak it for your personal needs. It plugs into your OBDII port, you answer a few questions, its saves your stock program and downloads a new one for you, and you have extra power from there. Quick and easy, leaves no trace, and has a built in OBDII code reader.

A Power module plugs externally to the factory computer (PCM). a Module will alter signals from various sensor and allow the facory computer to adjust its power band. They typically cheaper, and in most cases offer simillar power gains and fuel economy to programmers. Most are Plug and play and leave no trace.

Do your homework, there are great people here, and each can give you thier own experience.

Good luck!

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