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  1. Spectre

    7.3 light throttle = hesitation

    I haven't received anything about it.. Also my complaint is the complete opposite.. If I push down "lightly" it surges.... If I force it to WOT it will pause for a second or 2 and then take off..
  2. Spectre

    7.3 light throttle = hesitation

    Well this came up on a search I was doing for something else.. My truck is doing pretty much the same exact thing.. Slight throttle it hesitates/jerks/bucks.. WOT it will hesitate for just a hair then take off like a bat out of hell.. It's very frustrating.. I have noticed if I'm...
  3. Spectre

    Question Tricks to change the Water pump?

    Nice writeup.. It was exactly what I did.. I did rent the tools.. Came in very handy.. Plus side.. No more leaks or squeals from the water pump... Bad thing is after a bit there was a squealing.. Doesn't squeal when at idle, but only when on the gas.. If the belt is wet it goes away...
  4. Spectre

    Question Tricks to change the Water pump?

    Truck specs. 2001 F250 4wd 7.3 single altenator Well the truck started squealing pretty good. I thought it was just a belt and wasn't to concered about it.. Wel one day I jump under the hood and look at where the fan bolts to the water pump and the pulley there looks like it's moving...
  5. Spectre

    Question So cal people?

    I would say it does. :)
  6. Spectre

    Question So cal people?

    Finally.. Someone close! :) Nice rig. My wife never really leaves Riverside so the chances of anyone seeing our rig is slim.
  7. Spectre

    Question So cal people?

    So anyone from So Cal here?
  8. Spectre

    Pro Comp spring issues.

    man forget that noise... :)
  9. Spectre

    2001 F250 4wd diesel front ubolt question

    That's what I thought. Just wanted to make sure.. Stupid pieced together lift kit on my truck. Thankfully after the spring replacement I'll have everything the way it should be.
  10. Spectre

    Pro Comp spring issues.

    I'm lucky to have a shop so close to me. I'd be pissed to have to pay for shipping and wait.. Well then again I'm kind of irritated that I have to change the springs in the first place, but oh well.. Good thing I've done this kind of thing a lot and am saving labor..
  11. Spectre

    Fabtech traction bar

    Man I wish I would have seen this before I installed my bar. I can take pics of it on the truck.. Well this weekend I can snap a pic of what it looks like on the side that bolts to the frame. (I have to unbolt it to swap out springs)
  12. Spectre

    Pro Comp spring issues.

    Well to save on money I called procomp and they said they will warranty the springs out. I called 4wp and they have a set of springs waiting for me. Guess I get to have a fun 2 hours on Saturday. :)
  13. Spectre

    2001 F250 4wd diesel front ubolt question

    Question.. From the factory do the u-bolts have a round or square bend in them? An owner of a stock F250 would be able to provide me with the best answer. I don't remember and need to buy new u-bolts for the front springs and want to make sure I get the right ones and don't trust that the...
  14. Spectre

    Pro Comp spring issues.

    Nice.. I'll take a look at those.
  15. Spectre

    Trac Bar bushings

    Well we have bought the adjustable tracbar.. solves the bushing issues.
  16. Spectre

    Trac Bar bushings

    Just orderd the fabtech adjustable tracbar today.. Pick it up tomorrow and will install it on Saturday.. Should be a 15 minute job.. As for shocks, wish I could affoard em but after tax the tracbar is taking my extra cash for parts.
  17. Spectre

    Pro Comp spring issues.

    the bushings were bad in the BDS springs.. Don't have them anymore.. The springs I have now are flattened out.. :(
  18. Spectre

    Trac Bar bushings

    Man.. Couldn't provide me a link? Geeze! :) lol I'll go take a look. I'm going to buy the adjustable tracbar this weekend.. What brand should I go for? The only ones I've ever delt with when I installed kits were fabtech's
  19. Spectre

    Pro Comp spring issues.

    I searched for months and couldn't find any bushings for the BDS springs. I went to 4 offroad shops and zippo.. :( Ended up giving to someone looking for scrap metal. (this was over a year ago). I forgot about superlift.. That's sounds like a good route to check.. Just pisses me off...
  20. Spectre

    Trac Bar bushings

    I'm thinking of just going for the adjustable route.. Just have to buy shocks first.. Over the weekened we found out that the bushings and metal sleeves we broken/worn out.. So the shocks were moving all over the place on both sides.. I pulled em out and used some old bushings and sleeves to...
  21. Spectre

    Trac Bar bushings

    I completly agree. With the kit it has a bracket to center the axle so the rear tires are following the front tires... I was just interested in how the trackbar has to do with "allignment" :)
  22. Spectre

    New Guy here in Southern California. (Riverside)

    Thanks for the welcomes! rray. It is a different place from when I was younger. I remember the Riverside raceway and when Moreno Valley was very few houses and a lot of empty land. Now it's houses everywhere.. Crazy Question.. Who do I go about talking to about getting my Username...
  23. Spectre

    Pro Comp spring issues.

    Coil springs are a whole nother beast. :) Our skyjacker springs on the bronco have no sag in them at all. Love em. To bad I don't have a newer F250 with coils. :)
  24. Spectre

    Trac Bar bushings

    I don't understand that comment. The trackbar locates the axle to the center of the truck. The tierod ajusts the toe and the draglink adjusts the steering wheel. Theoretically even if it's not centered under the truck it should drive straight. Meaning with a Solid front axle you...

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