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  1. N

    New from CO...and in need of some education!

    For someone with a little cash to set aside for a down payment and a little better credit than me, I'm sure that would be a great scenario, but alas, I'm stuck with no funds and only so-so credit. Besides, I've decided in the last few days that I'd much rather get my hands on a tried and true...
  2. N

    New from CO...and in need of some education!

    Thanks again for the welcome guys. Unfortunately I'm a wee bit upside down on my Yukon, so I'm afraid that it will be a decent while before I can afford another truck. However, I intend to use as much of that time as I can to research the different PSDs out there and decide which one is right...
  3. N

    New from CO...and in need of some education!

    Thanks, Bush! I was poking around and looking at some of the links in your sig...very impressive stuff! And very functional/innovative/DIY-friendly! I especially love the V1 install. That, my friend, is SLICK!
  4. N

    New from CO...and in need of some education!

    Hey guys. I'm new to diesels, although I've been doing a little research on them and I've decided that my next truck will be a Ford powerstroke of some flavor. I don't plow, I don't have anything to tow ( coming later hopefully), and don't really have anything that requires a...

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