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  1. C

    Noob with noob questions

    Yes, it has a lot of stuff listed, although I don't know what was standard and what wasn't. I put everything into Kelly Blue Book's online calculator and it comes up with $10,895 for Suggested retail. THat is taking into account the mileage, and assumes "Excellent" condition. Can't judge...
  2. C

    Noob with noob questions

    Forgot another question. What all does the "towing package" include? I assume a trailer hitch and wiring harness, but what else? A tranny cooler, different gear ratios? What, what? (As Howy Mandel would ask). BamaSixGun - Thanks. 300K sounds good. I would say I will be doing well to put...
  3. C

    Noob with noob questions

    OOps. Forgot to mention this is 4wd.
  4. C

    Noob with noob questions

    Hi guys. Just joined, and don't even have a truck yet. I'm not a noob to motorized vehicles (I'm active on the Jetta TDI boards and Goldwing Boards, and do most of the wrenching on my bikes), but I'm a noob at Ford pickups. I haven't 100% decided on a Ford, but I do want a diesel PU to...

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