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  1. shortbed

    185000 mi on drive line

    need to replace the carrier bushing in my driveline.hard job?
  2. shortbed

    rolled to an idle

    I'll check it out.thanks
  3. shortbed

    rolled to an idle

    i have a 2001 sd w/7.3 on the highway yesterday,suddenly the check engine light came on and i rolled to an idle.the engine is shaking like its misfiring,and i have no boost.i was able to get off the highway,and once off,stopped to check it smoke of any color,and when plugged in to pull a...
  4. shortbed

    merry xmas

    merry xmas to all the boyz out there
  5. shortbed

    Hey Dirk?

    and he's the one always cryin broke........ right!
  6. shortbed

    Sunday stuff

    jr has had some life changing experiences hangin with these guys.i'll be there,i wanna see the ford thing with the dodge may not cooperate tho,probably wont see the ford thing
  7. shortbed

    Sunday stuff

    you keep the bfh,you need it more than this coming sunday at the non.where is the non?i know i have to cross the suicide bridge in nh,is it on rt1?or is it non on the rt 1?
  8. shortbed

    Sunday stuff

    Dare i say a week from this sunday?
  9. shortbed

    Sunday stuff

    :laffup ;tu Never came thru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. shortbed

    Sunday stuff

    i wish i was,my daughter backed down the driveway and plowed into the rear quarter,destroyed the fender,and tweeked the rear corner of the bed.i am currently using nascar sanctioned duct tape to hold it all together.unfortunately,my wife dropped the colission on my truck when i paid it off so i...
  11. shortbed

    Sunday stuff

    wow people DO look in here from time to would be nice to see everyone again some time soon,but i dont wanna show my smashed up truck in public.
  12. shortbed

    for all you pitbull lovers in CT

    dogs are a direct reflection of their owners,its all in how you bring them up.i train dogs and have never had a bad dog.bad dogs are the result of bad ownership.the owners should be castraited and muzzled,not the animals
  13. shortbed

    Sunday stuff

    havent heard or seen diesel 97 in months,is he still alive,or secluded himself in his garage?i would be into some sunday brunch,but not at glenwood
  14. shortbed

    comment Hey Shane

    when are you going up on the roof and gettingthe lightning strike dr franken furter?
  15. shortbed

    powerstroke cookout

    i didnt know your girl could belly dance dude
  16. shortbed


    the us government wouldnt even pay that much.thats unbelieveable!
  17. shortbed

    powerstroke cookout

    ya the belly dancer was cool.ya shoulda stayed late,we were up till 2am,and the belly dancer was dancin like crazy after some margaritas,.too bad the OTHER guys didnt make it.especailly the one(whos name i wont mention) who kept pestering me to post a solid date,then said,I'LL DEFINATELY BE...
  18. shortbed

    powerstroke cookout

    whatcha gonna do?gonna be runnin for a while zook,so come when you can,if you can starts at 2 till ?
  19. shortbed

    powerstroke cookout

    lookin forward toseein u and the mrs
  20. shortbed

    powerstroke cookout

    just a reminder,saturday is the picnic,starting at 2 .death by chocolate will be served
  21. shortbed

    Racing Event Lebanon Valley Diesel Drags

    that sucks,hope she's alright
  22. shortbed

    Racing Event Lebanon Valley Diesel Drags

    so,tomorrow's the big day!! wish i could make it,but not would be so cool to be there to watch joeys truck puke its guts all over the track! make sure you bring a couple bags of speedy dry,and a 30 rack of bud light so he can drink himself stupid on the ride home:sauced
  23. shortbed

    Racing Event Lebanon Valley Diesel Drags

    :drivehe's always goin on a road trip:turbo
  24. shortbed

    heavy duty mechanic

    would you believe it's out of hamden? about a mile down the street from glenwood,but the job sites are all over ct.Im sure you'd get a service truck,that usually comes with the position,but you'd have to set your own deal up of course
  25. shortbed

    heavy duty mechanic

    the const co i work for is looking for a heavy duty mech to do services and repairs on const equip and crushers.must have exp in welding ,and be an all around mobile me if you are interested,year round work,and lots of ot if you want.

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