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  1. F

    6.0 Head Gaskets

    Hopefully my truck will be done tomarrow and thay did take the cab off :thumbs
  2. F

    6.0 Head Gaskets

    FordMasterTech Since there putting a new motor will it be better then my 04. Like did thay take care of some of the problems
  3. F

    6.0 Head Gaskets

    Do you pull the cab and front end? Last I seen mine the cab was on and tech had it down to the heads.Still alot of work. The rear went at 18,000 now the motor I keep thinking whats next. Now I learn the motor is made by international. I wish ford would put cummins in there trucks
  4. F

    6.0 Head Gaskets

    Just heard from dealer and There putting in a new complete drop in motor. I use my truck every day for work. Its 6 months old and has 53,000 miles. I tow between 7,000 to 12,000lbs every day so I want the new motor.
  5. F

    6.0 Head Gaskets

    Did anyone hear about head gasket problems? I have a 04 and it blew the front cyl on both sides. There taking the heads off so a ford rep can look at it. Also said ford will just replace the motor.

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