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  1. B

    tranny leak

    It's up at the transmission shop, it's coming from around the torque converter.
  2. B

    tranny leak

    It's not the cooler lines. I put oil dye in the tranny this morning and drove it around for a little while, parked it till this evening. The fluorescent markings with the black light I've seen so far is on the tunnel right side above the tranny need to look the left side over in the morning.
  3. B

    tranny leak

    About 3 years ago I had a trannsmision leak coming from the cooler lines. I had it replace by a local shop. I did everything I could to prevent it from happening agian, it was steel lines and I'm having new drip come from the same line again. I can't find suppliers for stainless lines. The other...
  4. B

    Help Needed 6.0 no start

    My FICM went out while driving down the road. Since that module operates the fuel injection it was kaput. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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