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  1. R

    '96 CrewCab F250 UPDATES House of Diesel

    how much clearance do you have between the side of the spring wrap on the rear shackle? I used Sky's shackles and had to trim the sides of my springs for clearance.
  2. R

    Flag Retirement Ceremony

    Excellent!!!! Tell the boys GOOD JOB!!! Bama. Russ ASM T437
  3. R

    Water leak into passenger compartment

    I know that there is a cowl vent drain on the drivers side(I assume there's one on the pass also) you have to remove the plastic inner fender and it is a rubber "duck bill" shaped drain. Mine was plugged full of crap. Just used my finger to clean it out.
  4. R

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Today I replaced the rubber track arm bushing with polyurethane ones.
  5. R

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    Sat. I installed my intercooler,:clap: and today I tightened up the battery terminals that I forgot to on Sat.:innocent
  6. R

    photos Webelos/Boy Scout Camp Out

    Ya I ate better there than I do at home ;tu:lmao
  7. R

    photos Webelos/Boy Scout Camp Out

    Looks like a good time Bama. We had our first one two weeks ago with our new troop. (My son just crossed over and I went with him). We slept under a tarp and on a ground cover with a bed roll and sleeping bad(Our troop doesn't use tents. The tarps and rope are easier to pack and carry in a...
  8. R

    Help Needed 97 E4OD odd shifting

    Helping a Buddy out with his 97 F250 E4OD. When cold everything works fine. After about 40 miles, stays in 1 gear until throttle is lifted, or manually shifted into 2nd gear. Goes into 2nd, then when shifted into drive, goes into drive then right into OD. Shifter light is working and not...
  9. R

    You have a rotten day, then this comes over the Radio.

    So ya had a bad day... I was wondering if he found his keys. Open cuts, and a pit o' feces. Time to go see the dr.
  10. R

    fuel mileage

    I just made a 300 mile trip (mostly highway) running 70/75 with about 700 lbs in the bed and averaged 13.7 mpg.
  11. R

    CEL coming on at 2000 RPM

    I agree, running out of oil. BTDT I use a piece of elec. tape to cover the CEL.:lmao
  12. R

    Noob n00b, from

    Welcome to SDD Nice looking truck, have fun with all the mods.
  13. R

    Humor Breaking news from nascar......

    Jeff Gordon fires his whole pit crew: This announcement followed Gordon's decision to take advantage of Barack Obama's new scheme to employ Harlem youngsters. The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Harlem were able to remove a set of...
  14. R

    Buddies Christmas Lights

    oops Lets try this
  15. R

    Buddies Christmas Lights

    Thanks, I haven't had a seizure since last x-mas:dizzy:lmao:lmao:lmao Looks like a lot of work. :clap::sweet But I like Scotts idea better :lmao
  16. R

    when did the lug pattern change

    The E 250 used the old pattern
  17. R

    Info on 2009 IDI Rally

    Good to see you over here Heath, I'll see you in KY:sweet
  18. R

    Delo 15w40 at Costco

    Thanks sent out the SIL to get me a case.
  19. R

    Delo 15w40 at Costco

    Where'd you find the coupon?
  20. R

    If you like working with tablesaws

    I wonder how soon these will be made mandatory for public high school shop classes? Great idea! I'm the average "Joe DIY woodworker" I've had a few close calls. But being a machinist, I'm always aware of where my hands and fingers are in relation to a cutting tool. Ok with that said.. Now I'm...
  21. R

    New Member To Site

    Thanks, right now I just have a storage tank that I have to fill from my shop air comp. Hopefully Santa will stuff a Viair in my stocking this year.:sly
  22. R

    #7 injector removal

    Torn o rings will cause bad firing. Your box is the same as mine.
  23. R

    #7 injector removal

    Next time just take the 4 screws out of the solenoid on top of the injector and remove the solenoid. That will give you the last little bit of room to get it out.

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