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  1. B

    2008 Superchip

    I have a 2010 F350 Powerstroke. A friend will give be a 2008 Superchip to load on my truck. Does anybody know or know who I can contact to see if this program will load on a 2010?
  2. B

    I have a 2010 F350 Powerstroke. A friend has a Superchip that he had on a 2008. Does anybody...

    I have a 2010 F350 Powerstroke. A friend has a Superchip that he had on a 2008. Does anybody know if this will install on a 2010? He gave like $600 or $700 for it and will let me have it for $250. I have never had a "chip" and never felt I needed one because I have plenty of power, but...
  3. B

    Question Oil Filter Question

    My truck in a 2010 F350 Lariat 4X4. Oil Filter is on top on the engine. Thanks.
  4. B

    Question Oil Filter Question

    I usually have my oil changed while I am at work. Last night I changed it myself. When I removed the filter from the top of the engine, Inside the filter and on top of the spring was a plastic spacer or something which fell out when I pulled it off the spring. The filter was a little out...

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