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  1. IHC Power

    Big Ford Truck Meet in Mass June 10th

    Hey guys hate to jump on this thread considering its very old but I see some guys from New England and know you all still have your trucks cause Fords last forever! My employer is having a dyno day in November so check the thread out in Events and if your interested sign up and come see our...
  2. IHC Power

    Dyno Day MinuteMan Fire and Rescue Dyno Day / Ford Truck Event.

    Come on its only 1500 miles one Yea its gonna be a good time for all who attend and hopefully I get people from SuperdutyDiesel to show up and represent FORD in a big way cause if we have a good turn out this year then we will def hold one every year, I'll be done with the owners...
  3. IHC Power

    Dyno Day MinuteMan Fire and Rescue Dyno Day / Ford Truck Event.

    :sweetHello everyone!! I haven't been on the forum in a while but this is one good reason for a new post. My employer MinuteMan Trucks & Fire and Rescue will be holding a dyno day/Ford Truck enthusiasts get together on November 23rd, 2013 in Walpole Mass. The owner Bill has been gracious enough...
  4. IHC Power

    Help Needed No oil pressure above 1700 RPM. 99 7.3L

    No! I have already over filled the crankcase by a gallon and a half and I picked the truck up by the pintle with my skidsteer, I could walk under the bumper, it still does it, I also isolated the high pressure side by blocking the cylinder head one by one and running the engine on half a bank...
  5. IHC Power

    Help Needed No oil pressure above 1700 RPM. 99 7.3L

    Question? Just bought this 38,000 mile F350 utility body and I have been banging my head against the wall for too long now, my truck has at least 5 PSI of oil pressure at an idle but as soon as it revs higher than 1700 the gauge drops to zero and the engine starts to break up and smoke, I have...
  6. IHC Power

    2000 F350 7.3 wont start, tach won't move fuel pump won't kick on

    Possible Well if the WTS light is not coming on then the PCM is not powered up, check all your fuses, wiring and see if you can communicate with the truck using a scanner, see where that leads you.
  7. IHC Power

    Question Oil pan hard replacing? Leaking, Not gasket, Puncture.

    Oil Pan....... The reason a repair bill will be around $2000 or more is exactly what JR said, the only CORRECT way to change the pan is to tear the nose off, radiator and CAC ect.... and pull the engine straight out, Ford states the engine has to be upside down and the silicone needs to cure...
  8. IHC Power

    truck won't start when warm.

    No start hot Been a long time you guys, I haven't been back for a while now, to answer your question the fuel injectors have a series of oil and fuel control o-rings on each one, if an o-ring fails it will leak down the pressure the pump is trying to build, or the high pressure pump is faulty...
  9. IHC Power

    A/C problem

    A/C Switch If the terminals are spread apart on the compressor then just bend them back, if they are on the connector then just removed them from the body and mold them back into shape, good to go.
  10. IHC Power

    EGR Delete

    Egr I would do the oil cooler and a new egr cooler, International has finally realized that the oil coolers get plugged up first and then fail the egr cooler, as far as the delete I know nothing about it but will tell you the bellow pipe are a ^%$#@ to do in the truck, especailly pick up trucks.
  11. IHC Power

    Help Needed 6.0 sudden no start.

    Icp No the system does not work like that, if you jumped a good 12 volts to the IPR and it started you would probably be looking at a faulty regulator or bad wiring, the air test is the best way to check you high pressure oil system for issues.
  12. IHC Power

    Help Needed 6.0 sudden no start.

    No start Do you have idle validation? That might be why it will not run, what kind of numbers were the ICP and oil pressures at, you need roughly 500-600PSI of ICP to start that engine, and if no low oil pressure or lube pressure it will not start.
  13. IHC Power

    OEM radio removal????

    Yes I did mine, just pull the whole dash panel and do it somewhere you can be comfortable and use a good dremel tool, test fit alot so your not oversized.
  14. IHC Power

    OEM radio removal????

    DIN size No Superduty 1999-2010 has a 1.5 din radio, they are all double din size and that's how the cookie crumbles.
  15. IHC Power

    new mirrors for 00

    Switch I think they use a timer/module of some sort, maybe the measure current draw from start to stop, don't know for sure but a wiring diagram will be much help to you if that's the route your taking, I got a toggle under my power mirror switch to control my heated mirrors, simple and effective.
  16. IHC Power

    Help Needed 6.0 sudden no start.

    Battery That might have done it depending on how long they were disconnected for. Usually KAM or keep alive memory will store active codes with the power cut off from it, Does your friend have the ability to view signals ie. oil pressure, coolant temp, ICP pressure, engine speed? If so that...
  17. IHC Power

    Help Needed 6.0 sudden no start.

    Overnight These thing can happen at anytime and anywhere under any condition, if they are going to break trust me they will, The no codes issue would concern me though, your ECM/IDM should have logged something.
  18. IHC Power

    Happy Easter

    :D Easter is cool, egg hunting, beer, family, friends and my birthday this year!:sweet
  19. IHC Power

    Help Needed 6.0 sudden no start.

    EGR Valve No it would not, that component is for emissions only. you should air test the ICP system to check for leaks that way, there is a allen plug in the top of the HPOP and all you need to do is put shop air to it, pull the oil fill and plug in the other valve cover to listen for leaks...
  20. IHC Power

    Help Needed 6.0 sudden no start.

    No start? You unplugged the ICP sensor, that will not do anything but give the ecm a blank value of the pressure, you might have a ICP problem but you NEED codes to tell for certain.
  21. IHC Power

    new mirrors for 00

    Mirror Conversion It's not hard at all here's what you need, obviously both mirrors with the lights and heat. Get one relay, standard ISO 30 or 40 amp and a spool of 16 gauge wire from the local parts store. Also an assortment of connectors, butts, spade females and males, eyes etc... Your...
  22. IHC Power

    Question Cat Back or Turbo Back Exhaust?

    Stacks!! Get stacks 4" to 5", great sound and a couple more horse.
  23. IHC Power

    Petition Superduty meeting

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet somewhere in the middle of the country and chit chat FORD, check out everyones rides. Would be a difficult task to get everyone together but I was thinking it would be cool.:dunno We would need a pretty BIG parking lot I know that for sure.
  24. IHC Power

    comment HID's

    Fog lights too Just installed the 9007 bulbs in my fog lights and now I can see everything infront of me! What a difference!
  25. IHC Power

    Exhaust UPGrade Massachusetts

    Exhaust My 2001 has a 4" turbo back to 5" Aussie stacks with no mufflers and I got a sticker without an issue. Depends on where you go also, truck shops are less likely to fail you if it's illegal.

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