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  1. T

    power steering pump

    Thats my point, you wont really know if you are getting full tension on the serpentine belt unless you remove it and feel for play on each tensioner,and idler pulleys. I have to fix mine tomorrow morning. I just hope I didnt damage anything when mine broke loose. Like I said, it could be your...
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    power steering pump

    I just posted about serpentine belt tensioner. It's probably unrelated but thats what I thought. If the tensioner spring is weak the belt might not be able to spin the pump under load. And to think of it before my tensioner pulley went my power steering got a little stiff once or twice over the...
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    Dishwasher Quit Working

    If it makes you feel any better, my diswasher broke right around Thanksgiving. It kept leaking water on my hardwood floors, and only when you weren't home, or were in bed. I think the pump housing cracked. Anyway, I drug it outside to the garage (LOL) and it's been there ever since. What a piece...
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    Question Fog Light Tricks (request)

    Be careful what you do with any factory wiring in your truck! My brother has a 2004 and added marker lights to the running boards below cab and next thing you know were taking the fuse panel out , tracing wires, continuity tests, and after about a day and a half in the shop, we finally found a...
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    serpentine belt tensioner pulley

    Thanks also Ron and Brandon for the info. I really appreciate your quick responses to my questions and concerns:) Thank you, Tom
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    serpentine belt tensioner pulley

    Thanks Ben for the heads up on tensioner, I was really lucky today that no one pulled out in front of me or worse. I had to downshift the tranny to slow down because the booster for the brakes went out with the serpentine belt not spinning. I'll tell you the truth I was more worried about the...
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    serpentine belt tensioner pulley

    Hello all, I had a slight problem today, thank God I was close to my shop when it happened. About a week ago I heard a slight wirring sound coming from engine compartment so I shut down motor and immediately started snooping around at pulleys and serpentine belt looking for a problem. I reached...
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    New Member 7.3 litre International motor

    I cant forget to thank Crumm for the warm welcome considering where you come from. I thought we had it bad with the cold weather in Phila. I couldn't even imagine what it's like in Fairbanks Alaska? God bless and stay warm my friend. Sincerely, Tom
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    New Member 7.3 litre International motor

    Thanks Patrickc for the positive reinforcement. My engine has never been modified and was fleet maintained by previous owner. The engine itself sounds strong:) I replaced both batteries with 100cc amp batteries and it started right up (of course using the glow plugs twice) in twenty degree...
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    New Member 7.3 litre International motor

    Thanks Kevin for the warm welcome and everyone else in the SDD forum. I have been reading some posts and I am already learning a little about the 7.3. I see there are alot of you who have aftermarket add ons. Are the chips safe to use on the 7.3 to boost horsepower. I think I remember reading...
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    New Member 7.3 litre International motor

    Thanks Alex, I joined this site in the hopes of learning a little bit about the particular motor package I have in my 2002 F-350 shortbed. Me and my brothers have three powerstrokes in all and really like the power they deliver. We had diesels in the late 80s and early 90s in the Dodge D350s...
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    New Member 7.3 litre International motor

    Thanks bobkat for the info. I am not too familiar with the Ford diesels but have heard some good things. Spent most of my Sunday compounding the 2002 in the shop. It was a lot of work but it really brought the paint job back to life. It came out really nice. Thanks again for the quick...
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    New Member 7.3 litre International motor

    Hello all, About a year ago my brothers and I purchased two used F-350 pickups. One was equipped with the 7.3 litre motor 2002. The other was a 2004 with the 6.0 litre am driving the one with the 7.3 litre motor Both trucks have about200,000 miles. I was wondering how the 7.3 holds up, in...

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