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  1. snicklas

    Unusual Front End (Axle) Noise

    OK fellas, I've been chasing this one for a bit, and am needing a fresh brain to ponder on it. I have looked, and not gotten any definite answers (and afraid to post it on fb, because I am sure like the last time I said something about an issue, I was told it was bad head gaskets, which it...
  2. snicklas

    Automatic Climate Control

    My Excursion has he automatic climate control. Tonight we were out and about, and the climate control was working fine. Stopped at a store, shut the truck off, and when we came back out and started the truck, the climate control would not come on. Blank screen, and the buttons do nothing, and...
  3. snicklas

    Question Water in Fuel light

    How much water in the fuel must there be to trip the WIF light on a 6.0? My WIF light keeps coming and going. I have replaced the fuel filter, and drained the HFCM again after the filter change. I it taking longer to come back on, but it comes back. I don't see any water in what I have...
  4. snicklas

    Strange New problem

    I have a new odd issue with with my truck. I had an EGR Delete installed on my truck. This delete kit removed the EGR Cooler, replaced the passenger up-pipe and left the EGR in place and connected to the harness. Before the delete the truck was running fine. Now I have a strange surging and...
  5. snicklas

    Leather Steering Wheel Cleaning

    As the title states, I am needing tips/tricks/suggestions on cleaning the leather wrapped steering wheel that came in many Ford/Lincoln/Mercury vehicles. I have the leather covered wheel in my Excursion (Still nice and clean), and a similar wheel in my 98 Mercury Sable Wagon. Since I...
  6. snicklas

    High Idle Mod

    High Idle Mod Question This question is for an Excursion I went out to do the High Idle Mod which uses the Ford provided PTO Control for the PCM to raise the idle to 1200 RPM. I went looking for the wire, #322 from the above procedure. Looking at the 2003 Body Builder Layout book, page...
  7. snicklas

    FICM Repair

    I am looking for experience/opinions on the various options to have the FICM Repair options out there. I have used the procedure at: FICM Troubleshooting and Removal (I have the 7 pin version) I have determined the FICM is not working correctly. Key in Run position - 48V Key in Run position...
  8. snicklas

    From odd running to not running issue.....

    All, This is related to the Odd Running Question thread. I have some additional symproms, and for sake of clarity, I decided to start an another thread for this additional information / Troubleshooting...... This all started a few weeks back with what I thought was a bad load of fuel (see...
  9. snicklas

    Odd Running Question

    Ok, here is something that has me puzzled and wanted the collective to have a crack at helping me figure this one out..... This all started a few weeks ago. We were out and about on a Saturday Evening, and I had to buy fuel at a station other than the one I normally use. (I have a station...
  10. snicklas

    Fuel Filter Warning!!!

    For you 6.0L owners, this is a valid warning, please read: DO NOT USE the Purolator Fuel Filter F55590 that is spec'ed for the 6.0 (and probally the 6.4) PSD. This filter DOES NOT HAVE THE WATER BLOCK MEMBRANE on the primary (HFCM) filter. I stopped to pick up my Motorcraft FD-4616 Fuel...
  11. snicklas

    Delo 400le

    ***NOT WANTING THIS TO BE A "THIS OIL IS BETTER" THREAD, I WANT ADVICE/EXPERIENCE WITH DELO*** Does anyone have experience using the DELO 400LE in the 6.0. I have been using the 5qt jugs of Motorcraft.... but they have drastically increased in price since my last oil change. However, DELO...
  12. snicklas

    Exhaust Question

    I have considered opening up the exhaust on my Excursion. One consern that I have is the "exhaust drone" that may come along with doing this. Currently the truck has the 100% stock, factory exhaust. Turbo to tailpipe, Cat and Muffler..... I have thought, loose the cat, keep the muffler, or...
  13. snicklas

    Battery Upgrade

    I have a question about a battery "upgrade" if possible. I frequent "next door" over at One upgrade that I have read about that some guys do on their older trucks (80-97 pre-SuperDuty) is to replace the stock Group 65 "Automotive" Batteries, with Group 31 "Truck" Batteries...
  14. snicklas

    Front Suspension and Steering Questions

    The Truck 2003 Excursion 4x4 6.0, D50 3.73 Monobeam Front axle, Sterling 10.50 3.73LS Full Float Rear Axle. My questions: 1st. The Track Bar. It mounts to the frame with a long "dog-bone" mount with bushings, I can see these bushings are worn and need to be replaced. I can, while lying...
  15. snicklas

    Part Number Cross Reference

    I am looking for the IH Part Number for a 6.0 Water Pump. Want to price one from IH... local Dealer want $175+tax. Or Better yet, if someone knows of a complete cross-reference (spreadsheet, PDF File, website, etc...) for IH Part numbers for all the 6.0 parts available from IH would be great.
  16. snicklas

    Replacement Shocks

    OK Fellas, I, thanks to the City of Indianapolis am in need of replacement shocks. (Hit a hellhole in the middle of a major intersection. Deep enough hole it actually hurt when I hit it, not seeing it.) I have searched here and on oilburners about replacement shocks. I have read many...
  17. snicklas

    Two Cycle Oil

    I know on the older diesels (6.9 and 7.3 IDI and the 7.3 PSD) there are several people that use the TCW-3 ashless two cycle oil in their fuel to help replace some of the list lubricity from the LSD/ULSD now being sold. I normally run Diesel Kleen in my 6.0 (White Bottle in winter, silver in...
  18. snicklas

    Electrical Issue

    Last evening, went out to close the windows on the truck and found the batteries to be down, has happened when it is just started and shut off several times, like in and out of the garage, move to mow, etc, frustrating but not a surprise as it has not been driven any distance in several days...
  19. snicklas

    A CEL question

    Can a dead/dying glow plug set the CEL? I have had a CEL after an overnight cold start and will clear after a 4 re-starts..... Id does not always do this..... was just trying to get ideas.... does not start hard and does not smoke... I have not had the codes pulled yet.....
  20. snicklas

    Question 4x4 Switch Light Out

    All, The backlight for the 4x4 switch on the dash is burned out. I am wanting to replace the light, may even upgrade to LED's so they won't burn out again, but, what all do I have to remove to get to that switch and the associated light. If anyone has pictures of how to properly dissect the...
  21. snicklas

    Axle Seal?

    Trav and I were looking at the truck last night, sizing up what we need to do, to replace the water pump. While we were under there, he noticed on the front axle, there is a rubber ring that is on the diff side of the ujoint that seems to be loose. It is not leaking. Any idea what this thing...
  22. snicklas

    "Undetermined Leak"

    I have a new, undetermined leak on the Ex. I parked the truck, in my driveway, which is fairly steep, and I noticed evidence of a leak under the front of the truck. I crawled under there yesterday, and what I have found is, the drip is coming off one of the steering links. (I know it is not...
  23. snicklas

    Check Engine Light On

    The check engine light came on immediately at start up. I had it checked at Advance and they read the following code: P2285 - Injector Control Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Can someone shed some light on what this means? I have about 3k on fuel filters and oil change. I am using Motorcraft...
  24. snicklas

    Battery Drain / Electrical Issues

    I have been having difficuly with the batteries being drained while the truck is sitting for a short while. (All day or overnight). Travis and I looked at it over the weekend and we found the current draw that is draining the batteries is going to the "Instrument Cluster". When the key has been...
  25. snicklas

    Hello to all

    New to SDD, have been on OB for a while. Look forward to talking to you all.

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