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  1. RandyH

    Fuel in the Coolant

    in another thread I mentioned I'd had a cracked injector bore that resulted in fuel contaminating the coolant and replugging my year old oil cooler. Thought I'd post a pic of the resulting coolant sludge as it really shows what happens when the two mix and the importance of a good flush...
  2. RandyH

    5R110 Transmission Longevity?

    After just sinking a bunch more money into my 6.0L (will save the details for another thread) my thoughts have turned to what could be next that would be big money that I should be thinking about. I've always had the impression the 5R110 has been a very solid tranny but would like to hear some...
  3. RandyH

    Parasitic Battery Drain - Edge Insight Monitor

    Finally tracked down my battery drain. I was losing about 40% of charge in a week's time. Current draw after about 45 minutes (computers all sleeping) was about 150 milliamps. Isolated the largest draw to the older insight monitor. With Insight unplugged from OBDII the sleep current drain...
  4. RandyH

    P1102 MAF Code and CEL

    Finally tracked down my CEL with P1102 MAF code to an open wire (MAF return circuit pin 4) in the MAF connector plug on the air intake. Sounds like a somewhat common issue for the wires to break near the connector or where the MAF harness rubs on the frame under the battery box area going to the...
  5. RandyH

    This is Gonna Hurt!

    Time for the inevitable deep-dive on my '05 6.0L. Thought this only happens to other people. :lmao Recently started billowing white smoke off and on. Figured it was the EGR cooler finally giving up or an injector leaking down. Turns out I have all sorts of classic 6.0 issues. First, I had two...
  6. RandyH

    6.0L OEM Reman Injectors - Best Source/Cost

    I have two bad injectors and am getting ready to replace all 8. Anyone know of a good source of quality stock OEM remans? Best pricing I have so far is $222 each through a dealer which is looking pretty good so far. Just thought I'd take a last look around to see if anything better. Thanks.
  7. RandyH

    '05 ESOF Vacuum Pulse Hublock testing

    Hi All, Been working on figuring out why my hubs are not locking in with the vacuum system. Tested the vac tube feeding the front hubs from where it leaves the PVH and it holds a vacuum fine and doesn't leak off so no vacuum line or hub seal issues. Also verified with a vac gauge that the pump...
  8. RandyH

    GPCM and Glow Plugs

    I've been trying to isolate a glow plug problem, even bought a clamp on DC ammeter so I could check each bank individually. Amazing how the ammeter simplifies troubleshooting this system. From everything I've read, I should see about 35-45 amps per bank or about 10 amps per glow plug after it...
  9. RandyH

    OBL Bites the Dust

    :toungeOsama Bin Laden bites the dust! Well done!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::sweet:sweet:sweet:sweet:sweet:sweet Brought to you courtesy of the red,white and blue!
  10. RandyH

    Alternator/Battery Question

    On my truck, it appeared I lot my alternator, voltage across the batteries (still tied together)was about 12.1, no difference engine started or not. I took the alternator off and had it tested at a starter/alternator rebuild shop and it tested good. Put it back together, still no charging...
  11. RandyH

    High Beam Wire Color and Location?

    Anybody know the wire color/location for the high beam down by the central junction box (fuse box) for a 2005 F350? I need this wire to tie into my relay for my long-range driving lights. Thanks.
  12. RandyH

    Frozen Coyote - Bizarre!

    Might make a great lawn ornament! Until summer anyway. :D Coyote Found Frozen In Its Tracks - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver
  13. RandyH

    Cummins vs. Iveco - Could be interesting

    Probably just a way to squeeze cost concessions from Cummins. I can't believe they'd risk losing their "cult following". :sly :stir ===================================== Industry News Fiat Mulling Iveco Engine For Dodge Ram? November 4, 2009 Almost since it began supplying diesel...
  14. RandyH

    Warranty About to Expire

    My '05 is at 90K and will hit it's 5 year birthday in the next couple of months. Would it be worth it to take it in to the dealer and have them give it a general check-up before the warranty is gone? Seems to be running okay in general. I do hear a squeal/chirp once in a while (doesn't sound...
  15. RandyH

    6.7 L Powerstroke for 2011

    Looks like some info is starting to show up on Ford's in-house diesel. Saw this link on another forum. First Look: Ford's All-New 6.7-Liter V-8 Power Stroke Diesel Engine - News
  16. RandyH

    New Military Off-Roader - Humvee Replacement

    Check out the new military off-roader! Heavy and expensive but should be a good step forward in protecting our troops. Comes with 36 inches of water fording capability, 16 inches of wheel travel, etc. Now, if we can just put a SuperDuty body on it...:sly Oshkosh Defense Manufactures...
  17. RandyH

    Removing Emblems - Best Technique?

    What's the best method to remove the F350 fender emblems on an '05? I read somewhere previously that some use fishing line to cut the adhesive loose? Does that work easily? Also, does an '05 have alignment posts behind the emblem? Thanks.
  18. RandyH

    Study: Ford Quality Rivaling Japanese Counterparts

    Just saw an article in Quality Magazine - Ford has arrived! :clap: Study: Ford Quality Rivaling Japanese Counterparts April 21, 2009 ARTICLE TOOLSEmailPrintReprintsShare DEARBORN, MI—Ford Motor Co. surpassed Honda in initial vehicle quality for the first time and reached...
  19. RandyH

    CAT & Navistar Activity

    Thought this might be of interest to some of you following CAT's decision to stop supplying engines to the on-highway market. ================================================ Industry News First Look At Navistar’s MaxxForce 15 March 23, 2009 Navistar gave the first look at its new...
  20. RandyH

    Superduty Gasser

    I've got a friend that has a line on a really good deal on a Superduty V10 and asked for my help in checking it out since he isn't mechanically inclined. Since I've been a loyal diesel fan for many years now I have no experience with the V10. Anybody have any pros or cons on the performance and...
  21. RandyH

    Missed a Thief - By That Much

    Had an interesting evening. :eek: A couple of hours ago I was dropping off a video at a local Blockbuster and ended up in the middle of a snatch and run theft. I was just putting my video in the outside return slot when this guy came rushing out the door a few feet from me with a big box...
  22. RandyH

    '05 Level Lift

    What's everyone using for a front level lift on their '05 F350's? I want to do the 2.5" lift to make it sit better. I'd be interested in hearing the pros and cons of the polyurethane vs aluminum coil spacers that I've been seeing. The polyurethane seem to run from about $150 and higher but I've...
  23. RandyH


    While changing my oil this weekend I noticed the plastic is broken off just under the T-handle on the dipstick. I've checked the oil a few times since I got it in early December but apparently didn't notice this. Has anyone else had the same problem with the 6.0L dipstick? Just curious if it's...
  24. RandyH

    Anybody have an '05 w/Edge Insight?

    I just hooked up my new Insight monitor and it appears my '05 F350 6.0L doesn't have trans temp on the data bus? Does anyone know if that's the case or am I missing something? it has the dash gauge that is supposed to be very inaccurate but I'm not sure where it gets its sensor inputs? :dunno...
  25. RandyH

    2005 18" Wheel Width?

    Can someone tell me how wide the 18" stock wheels are on my 2005 PSD?:dunno I'm trying to figure out if a 285/65 R18 will work okay on the stock wheels?

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