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    Got an email...

    Have not been on here in forever... We need to do some updating on the main page, a picture or something other then the Vbul logo!

    Modded H2e in...

    In and running great! Lower EGT's, more power and much cooler sound! So far I love it!:sly

    H2e kit coming along...

    About 90% fabed up, need to get the oil drain and feed lines done then install it! :sweet Comments...

    Finished up the tool box for the most part...

    Mounted the hose reel, and finished up the inverter.

    Prototype AFE stage 2 intake tube...

    Couple of pic's... Needs paint, and a full flange around the AFE box, but I didnt have anything other then 1/8" plate steel. I am going to add a 1/8 NPT sender tap for air temp, and if you have a stock CCV there could be a draft tube welded in there too. I think with some more pipe I could...

    Final Production gauges in...WOOHOO!

    Well here is the final production versions of the new Performax line... If your thinking of gauges, hold off for a few more weeks! These things are sweet!

    New motor in and running great!

    Nice to be back in my rig after 3 months!!! Got a stock turbo on there for now, as I sent the TN back for some "tweaking":sweet :sly and its in the mail now... Also have a 6.0 Sperco coming... Need to order some bigger water injectors and I will be SMOKIN for sure. Should put down 420-430 on...

    look... its a frog...

    na... Its my new motor!!!:thumbs

    Here is a beef on the X

    Why didnt they make the second row seat slidable... Just not enough foot room for me... and all that wasted space behind it...
  10. CSIPSD

    Garret GTP-38r rant

    OK Guys... You all know my feelings on the Garret turbo, and after thinking more and more about it I figured I would make one long post about it and let it be. I bought a Garret GTP-38r about 16 months ago, took about 2 months to have the time to install it. We installed it at the Tech day at...
  11. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    Just a sneak shot.:thumbs
  12. CSIPSD

    Added another gauge...

    :roflmao ... Soon more... Intake air temp, pre IC and post IC...:burnit The first step is admitting you have a problem...:thumbs
  13. CSIPSD

    4" electric exhaust cutout

    Installed the cutout this week... Thing is sweet:sweet ! Only problem I see is all the rain getting in the passanger seat because the windows down:roflmao ...
  14. CSIPSD

    Water spray!

    Yawl steal my idea if you want ;) but here's something I am going to try to build. I am going to get a radiator shop to build an aluminum hoop shaped like the grill on our SD trucks and weld some fittings on it, then connect it to a water supply and pump similar to the water injection I have...

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