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  1. bushpilot

    I'm back....

    Been several years since I posted anything....still have my '04 6.0L (149k)...will be selling it. Recently picked up a '17 Platinum long bed (love the larger fuel tank)....MAN what a truck! I bought it while my wife was out of - so I had to be kinda creative getting myself too the dealer and...
  2. bushpilot

    2001 erratic throttle

    Helping a friend.... says truck starts, idles and will eventually run down the road fine, but the throttle seems hard to control...lurch-ing...says barely touch the throttle and itll spin the wheels then die...very hard to control but says once you get it goin down the highway it cruises...
  3. bushpilot

    photos REPAIRED: Whirlpool <DUET> !

    Good thing we have a 3 car garage...needed it for all the parts that have to come off the washing machine so i could get to the part that needed replacement ! I could make a good living at fixing these things....rumor is that the repair is over 600 bucks ! (i got the parts for 200 and...
  4. bushpilot

    Predictions: 12-15 bucks a gallon !

    'Squawk Box' Guest Warns of $12-15-a-Gallon Gas
  5. bushpilot

    Price: JL Audio Shallow Mount SUB

    OUCH ! :dizzy $549.99 :doh: JL Audio TW5 Thin-Line 13.5" subwoofer
  6. bushpilot

    comment Top up your TANKS !

    Saudis rebuff Bush's request to pump more oil - Oil surges on China use, Goldman note - May. 16, 2008
  7. bushpilot

    Whirlpool <DUET> Problems !

    Well as they say...they dont build 'em like they used to... SOME idiot decided that the rear <main> bearing should be molded into the plastic TUB on the Whirlpool Duet Front loading Washing Machine... the 1/2 of TUB w/ the bearing (part #8) below RETAILS for almost 450 bucks ! <quotes...
  8. bushpilot

    Tow Haul Flashing (Torq-Shift 5r110)

    Last week comin' home from the airport I felt the truck ever so slightly "shutter & buck"...the tow-haul light flashed a couple of times and everything was fine. comin' home from the airport again tonight and the truck "studdered" and the two haul light flashed again... almost like...
  9. bushpilot

    butt whippin' NEEDED

    this young man needs a SERIOUS lesson in REMORSE.... and when grandmom is done there she can begin the R E S P E C T education ! Video - Breaking News Videos from
  10. bushpilot

    New Pioneer (dbl din)

    2005 - 2008 owners should like this... reminds me of the mcintosh audio stuff... Pioneer USA - Premier
  11. bushpilot

    HD Radio

    UPDATE: Pioneer <add-on> HD Radio it aint my birthday but im actin' like it is... cant wait to get this Add-on HD Tuner hooked up to my DEH-P980BT Pioneer USA - GEX-P10HD HD Radio® tuner
  12. bushpilot

    HEADS UP: (fuel stealing...)

    Thieves drill gas tanks to steal fuel - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger
  13. bushpilot

    chat anyone ? 4/13, sitting in airport

    just sitting in another airport, headed to wallymart-ville
  14. bushpilot

    Bama: CCV MOD Pics ?

    Stephen... did you ever install your ccv mod ? got any pics ? how 'bout some pics of the plumbing & "catch" tank if you havent installed it yet...
  15. bushpilot

    what happened to TP'ing houses...

    sheesh ! Spring Breakers Arrested After Dynamite Explodes Hotel Sundeck - WFTV Orlando
  16. bushpilot

    CREATIVE Diesel Thief

    Who ever said crooks were stupid :lmao Caught on tape: Richmond, Texas: diesel stolen
  17. bushpilot

    Diesel (BMW) Beats Prius in Performance and MPG

    Toyota Prius proves a gas guzzler in a race with the BMW 520d review | Used Car Reviews | Driving - Times Online March 16, 2008 Toyota Prius Proves A Gas Guzzler In A Race With The BMW 520d The Toyota hybrid is hailed as an eco-paragon, so how does it fare against a big BMW? To...
  18. bushpilot

    fuel prices: more stupidity

    apparently this guy has hit his term limits... Michigan Congressman Wants 50-Cent Tax Hike on Every Gallon of Gas -
  19. bushpilot

    Not my Install...

    heres some install ideas... :innocent
  20. bushpilot

    GPR Issue

    Have a Friend that has an OBS 7.3....its eating GPRs He's been installing a <ford> GPR at the rate of one per year for the last 2 years...this last one only lasted 3 MONTHS ! Is there anything else that could be causing the frequent failure of the GPRs ? Is there a know cause of GPR...
  21. bushpilot

    Problems we DONT have

    1600 solve a problem GM said they could never duplicate.... Cool My Duramax - V2 Cooling System
  22. bushpilot

    what morning NOT to fly...

    if only i were still home in bed... Due to WEATHER / WIND, departure traffic destined to George Bush Intercontinental/Houston Airport, Houston, TX (IAH) is currently experiencing delays averaging 6 hours and 43 minutes. - Radar Summary - United States Flight Delay...
  23. bushpilot

    PICS: Peep Show

    Probably only a few will get this...
  24. bushpilot

    help w/ a switch

    can anyone tell me how this switch works... lets use "543-21" (to identify the terminals) i pretty much <guess> that its basically TWO switches in one... fwiw its the brake light / park lever interlock switch. can anyone identify which pins would be the 12v source and which are...
  25. bushpilot

    Virgin Airline fueled by nuts...

    And i dont mean richard branson BBC NEWS | UK | Airline in first biofuel flight

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