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  1. bears4x4

    Excursion roof weight rating?

    I have a 2001 excursion that I want to add a “metal roof rack” - deck to sit on with chairs . Anyone know how much weight can be put up there, I plan to build something similar to what is pictured here
  2. bears4x4

    Trucks being stolen

    Everyone, as a friendly reminder your truck may not be safe at your home, my truck was stolen out of my driveway in the middle of the night from (cypress texas)they somehow bypassed my alarm etc without me or my neighbors even hearing a thing between 12-6am another SDD was stolen in spring not...
  3. bears4x4

    intermediate no starts

    Ok ficm 47.5 v, with intermentant 0 icp. No codes . Does this after I have been running for a while. I have to let er sit and cool off then fires up again. Passes the pressure testing,Voltage stays between 48-47 v at key on and cranking, ICP sensor replaced and reads 0 until it starts again once...
  4. bears4x4

    4x4 issues

    my truck in my signature, today I put my hubs in auto 4x4 and pulled my trailers in storage, when I pulled out on to the street, I put my truck in neutral switched the 4x4 selector back to 2wd and just as fast as I put my truck in reverse then heard a grinding sound I quickly put it back in to...
  5. bears4x4

    where to buy egr valve replacement seals

    I'm wanting to pull my egr valve and clean it, where do yall recomended buying the seals from???
  6. bears4x4

    v nose vs flat front cargo trailer?????

    I'm looking to by a none goose neck :) 18 to 24 foot tandem axle cargo trailer. Need your help. Will I notice the difference pulling one over the other? I'll be driving truck in my signature. .
  7. bears4x4

    rear lift block install question

    I have 2 rear lift blocks off my 2000 f350, if like to install them on my 2005 f250 to give it the proper ride level. My question is do I need u bolts off a f350 to make it work , can they be used ones or should be new?
  8. bears4x4

    need a part number

    I want to add a rear cup holder -factory part to my truck. I have a lariat f250 with the tan plastic center console with the fake wood grain top. I want the rear cup holder that would attach to the rear like on a excursion came with. I've seen pics but don't know the part number. My console is...
  9. bears4x4

    Weird insurance/ warranty rules

    I know this is kind of a rhetorical question but why is it that after years of experience and testing that even though we all know the solution to the oil cooler failure, egr failure, and head stud problems with the 6.0 the warrenty companys won't let you upgrade the repairs and pay the...
  10. bears4x4

    Faulty # 1-5-7 injectors, and a code for faulty oil cooler

    Delete please, answered my own question
  11. bears4x4

    tire rotation , swaping question

    i have a bad front tire, belt or something is broken in it, it shakes a lil now, i have a brand new matching spare i would like to swap out but heres my question, front 2 tires have 1/4 life left, rear are only a few months old, the tread depth difference between the older front tires and new...
  12. bears4x4

    1999 xlt f550

    helping a friend out truck is in the houston tx area ,
  13. bears4x4

    38 foot enclosed trailer

    helping a friend out, trailer in houston texas area,
  14. bears4x4

    Whats the concealed carry laws in cali?

    family of mine is headed to cali, whats a good website to look up the cc law in cali from tx ??
  15. bears4x4

    question abouty site

    i had some links saved but i knowtist that with the new site format they dont work, are the old post from the old format gone now??
  16. bears4x4

    cold start question when its 85+ degrees

    ok my question is - my truck ( in sig) has a hard time starting in the morning or anytime i let it sit for 10 plus hours, its not cold and i have to turn the key- cycle it twice to get it to start like normal and after that it starts just fine. i have changed the oil regularly and filters (oil...
  17. bears4x4

    fuel filter removal question

    is there a special tool to use to remove the fuel filter in the framerail on my truck, i need to change it and im a little lost here...
  18. bears4x4

    Dash warning indicator question.

    Just happened this weekend, on my way out to a friends and on my way back home, when I was running 65-70 after a few miles of this speed a wrench icon poped on, after I spent the day at friend I started the truck and light was off till I reached 65-70 again. I take it that their is a code stored...
  19. bears4x4

    anybody have the wiring diagram for a Model #917255980 - Craftsman Lawn, tractor

    Having issues with my craftsman Model #917255980 mower, I have put new battery new key switch swapped solenoids, check fuse and still no juice when I try to start it, if I jump across the solenoid it will start. just wondering if anybody had a diagram. searspartsdirect has a vauge picture.
  20. bears4x4

    Wanting to buy a (stick) welder but have no clue what size I need

    I have a few projects I want to make, BBQ pit trailer with various metal thickness up to 1/4", skid plate, etc etc, I know paying someone to make them wouldn't be cost effective for me, but my question is what size stick welder do I need, the old style buzz box at Lowes for 299 will only do up...
  21. bears4x4

    do ya know what the cut red, black , white and blue wires are?

    It's my truck in my sig, thanks
  22. bears4x4

    suspension question about a 05 f250

    does anybody know what the stock spacing should be between the rear leafs and frame or the stock spacing between the over load leaf and the bump stops for them, i know they shouldnt be touching unloaded but my do, i trying to figure out how much my rear leafs are saging. its starting to annoy me...
  23. bears4x4

    gauge questions

    feels like a dumb question but i have to ask because i cant find the answer on line, what are the gauge icons on my truck, which one is which on the right side temps???? and i dont have a owners manual
  24. bears4x4

    coolant temp vs oil temp

    im wondering, trying to be proactive but dont want to waste 240.00 dealer charge to check the oil cooler etc this is what the gauges look like now regularly
  25. bears4x4

    Best location for oil and coolant temp sensor

    I'm getting ready to install my oil and coolant temp gauge but would like to know the best spots for their sensors, any recomindatons.

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