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  1. acjjkamp


    the truck has been throwing 'low voltage' on #1, #7 injectors. It's been getting harder to start in the mornings with the temps being lower (cold here at mid 30's) I knew the batteries were going out being that they are original '05. This morning it would not start at all, just blew black...
  2. acjjkamp

    aluminum craftsmanship

    now this is some serious billet work How To Build An All-Billet Aluminum Cobra - Cobra - Jalopnik
  3. acjjkamp


    I want to get an OBD diagnostic tool, but cant decide on a PC based program or a stand alone like the Scanguage II Any suggestions? Pro's, con's?
  4. acjjkamp

    saved a ton of $$

    I saved a bunch of $$ this weekend, no I did not switch to that insurance Co. I changed my own oil on the truck and cleaned the EGR, also changed the sparkies on the Dodge Charger (hey, at least it's not a truck) :tounge Figure I saved about $300 bucks easily between the two. :)
  5. acjjkamp

    EGR all clean

    So I did a little maintenance this weekend and cleaned the EGR. I only have about 32K on the clock. Let me say just one thing about doing this, getting that thing off is a btch. finally got it out I had just drained the fuel separator and used the fuel to clean it. Figure it...
  6. acjjkamp

    cel light....bummed

    had the truck and camper loaded ready to go this morning for a mid week ride/camp with the boys (wife has to work). Truck threw a code and c.e.l. came on as well as the fuel gage showed no sign of life with a full tank....dont know what is going on, everything looks good???? only 25K on the...
  7. acjjkamp

    i think i broke it

    what do you think? :)
  8. acjjkamp

    we adopted...

    a girl over the weekend... Harley a little rotty :lol: we found her at the pound in Ventura here is a good size comp to our 9 mos shep, Blitz, now 90lbs he loves the basketball
  9. acjjkamp

    a proud dad

    My youngest son (14) just graduated from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff Explorer Academy. All I can say is that I am very proud of him. It was a grueling 2 week program with most days starting at 7am, and some running until 11pm. Very much like boot camp, except he got to go home at...
  10. acjjkamp

    we have a new member

    in the family... Blitz is a white german shepherd, 11 weeks old, 25 lbs....
  11. acjjkamp

    soot on the dash?

    almost sounds like a country song... The other day I was wiping down the dash and noticed that it had a bunch of black specs imbedded in/on the plastic. At first I thought it was anti-glare coating, first thing to come to my mind since I work with aircraft, but it looked more like soot...
  12. acjjkamp

    state laws

    There sure are some interesting ones out there... I cant kiss the wife in Eureka CA: Men who wear moustaches are forbidden from kissing women. A man with a moustache may not kiss a woman. dumb laws
  13. acjjkamp

    diesel motorcycle

    I want one!! 100mpg, 50hp, runs on JP8, Bio, #2 Unfortunately the civilian version is behind the military per their press statement. I wonder if it will pass Ca emissions??? clickey 1 clickey 2
  14. acjjkamp


    just about choked on my coffee this morinig driving by our local station.... diesel went up 25 cents in two days -mad $3.50 for diesel, $3.35 unleaded there goes an easy $150 for one fill up for going out with the camper for the weekend truck 38 gal, camper 35 gal supper unleaded...
  15. acjjkamp

    Friday Funny III

    Dear Diary : Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive double pane energy efficient kind. But this week I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I hadn't paid for them...
  16. acjjkamp

    woho !! it's ______ time!!!

    insert favorite beverage _______ I have a Saint waiting for me at home, and not just the wife :p St Pauli to start the X:30 time, then an Arrogant Bastard Ale to top off the steak dinner. One of the BEST beers around You all have a great weekend. Al (another :woo , ..... 100th post)
  17. acjjkamp

    any trips for Memorial Day Weekend?

    anyone going anywhere fun for MDW? we are taking the toys out for the weekend, hopefully not too crowded where we are going. this is what it looked like the last time we were there on a weekend :D Ballenger Canyon ORV park We were planning on going to Gorman ORV, but it's going to be...
  18. acjjkamp

    the bird flu hits in Florida

    the first case of the bird flu hit Florida trailer park
  19. acjjkamp


    i came across this link at another one of the forums i check out. all i can say is that i'm glad she's in the minority (and nuts). love the commentator's replies back to her. watch just remember that we served and fought for her to have her freedom of speech, no matter how twisted it...
  20. acjjkamp

    new toys

    got some new play toys last weekend :thumbs going to have to change my toy sig now loaded unloaded our toys
  21. acjjkamp


    Finally got a somewhat decent pic of the SDD decal. Posted proud in Santa Maria, Ca. on a dirty truck... :o
  22. acjjkamp

    services this weekend

    services will be held this weekend for the's a sad day:( but the weekend is looking good :D
  23. acjjkamp

    PIE adaptor

    Well, I finally got around to getting the PIE system set up on the radio. What a difference! I can actually hear the broadcast now (too quiet before) FRD04-AUX on the 6 disc system. Interesting things on the stereo display…. A headphone icon showed up after the PIE was installed, and is...
  24. acjjkamp

    XM radio

    I added XM radio to my truck :sweet One of the local stores had the XM Audiovox car kit on sale for $16, so I figured why not give it a try. I was looking at the XM2Go system first, but at $100+... All I can say it I love it :thumbs Ended up going back and buying a second unit just for...
  25. acjjkamp

    alignmet? or something else

    I took the truck in to the dealer for the recall, haven’t noticed any change in that end of it. While it was in I had them change the oil and rotate the tires ($126 ouch). Now the truck is pulling to the left a little, and the steering wheel needs to be held right to keep a straight line. The...

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